Chapter 52

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Narrator's pov


"Good morning you beautiful piece of demon" Aelia smiled and walked into the room

"Good Morning" Luna mumbled, she groggily opened her eyes only to see Aelia half naked in front of the mirror

"Are you hungry?" The blonde asked

"Very" Luna smirked and flicked her eyes down the girl's body

"Wanna call room servi-" Aelia was cut off when her back was pressed against the wall and her wrists pinned above her head, she chuckled softly when Luna's jet black eyes pierced through hers

"Hi" Luna smirked

"Hi" Aelia giggled

"I'm starving" The demon said

"I'm not edible" Aelia smiled

"I can still eat you" Luna whispered softly

"I have never met someone with a sexy drive like yours. You literally just opened your damn eyes" Aelia laughed

"Your point is?"

"My point is, go brush your fucking teeth" Aelia glared

"This again?"

"Yes! Go!"

"No" Luna pouted

"Then I'm never kissing you again" Aelia smiled

"You know damn well you can't resist kissing me" Luna whispered and stepped away from the girl

"Th-that may be true but-"

"There's not buts, just point, blank, Periodt" Luna chuckled and headed in the different of the bathroom

"Justin's movie premiere is tonight" Aelia mumbled

"Uh huh" Luna said through muffled voice from the Colgate

"And.... I want you to come..." Aelia said

"If you want me to cum then use your finge-"

"Nooo, I meant come as my date tonight" Aelia giggled

A smile stretched across Luna's face as she splashed some water over her skin, awakening any sleepy senses.

"I'd love to accompany you tonight" Luna grinned

"Yay" Aelia giggled and slipped into her jeans

"Where you heading to?" Luna asked as she poked her head through the bathroom door

"We are going shopping, you'll need something for tonight" Aelia smiled

"Can't I just wear sweatpants and a t shirt" Luna rolled her eyes

"You're heading to a movie premiere, a sweatpants isn't really something you'd wear" Aelia chuckled

"But- But I hate shopping" Luna pouted

"That's why I invited everyone else" Aelia smiled

The hotel door was then opened and in came the gays

"Sup puta" Zack smirked

"Luna, the sheets in my hotel room feels like it was made from the skin of children" Maddy smiled

"That... Do... Do you ever hear yourself talk?" Dani laughed

"Um" Aelia blushed

"What?" Mia asked

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