Chapter 98

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Narrator's pov


Luna's fingertips ran along the girl's sides, leaving a trail of goosebumps where her fingers left.

Aelia giggled and buried her face deeper in the girl's chest, slinging her own arm over Luna's sides

The blood red velvet covers were covered over their intertwined bodies, the brunette placed a soft kiss on the girl's head as she continued to drag along her fingers, feeling her skin within her hands as they both laid on their sides

"You're so soft, I love it" Luna groaned

"What the-" Aelia giggled

"Shh don't question it"

"Oh believe me, I won't" Aelia chuckled

The lights in bedroom was out, nothing but the gleam grey moonlight of hell shining through the clean windows, lighting up the room like a candle in a box

The soft sound of rain splashes against the window filled their ears, placing them in the most calm they've ever felt especially with being in each other's arms

"Fiancé, I'm gonna need to get accustomed to that" Aelia chuckled

"Wife. I'll definitely need to get accustomed to that"

"How come?"

"It's a big word, big responsibility" Luna answered

"It is. But to be your wife is a dream come through. I'm living in my own fairytale, marrying the villain of a Disney story" Aelia giggled

"Really. You're calling me the villain?" Luna pouted, causing the blonde to giggle

"We're all attracted to the villains in Disney movies, take it as a compliment" Aelia laughed

"That maybe true, I wanted Hercules's gf to crush me between her thighs" Luna chuckled

"Maleficent could smash me to bits with an asteroid and I'd say think you" Aelia smirked

"Maleficent? A villain?"

"We all have different sides to our stories, it's our perspective that makes us chose sides" The blonde said


"So, our wedding" Aelia wiggled her brows

"Will be the best day of our lives"

"Who's coming?"

"Everyone. Every single one" Luna said

"On hell or earth?"

"We met on earth, so why not?" Luna smiled

"Do you have an officiant in mind?" Aelia chuckled

"Me.. A demon.. Getting married in a church, with the devil sitting in the corner and balling his eyes out. Now that's something only a power woman could get us to do"

"Are you calling me a powerful woman sweetheart?"

"You're Aelia Green. You're the definition of a powerful woman" Luna stated

"That- that's so cute, awww" Aelia giggled

"You're cute"

"shut up"



"Yes?" the brunette smiled widely

"I love you, dumbass" Aelia giggled

"You know, you've been calling me a dumbass since the first day we've met"

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