Chapter 20

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Aelia's pov


"What is she doing here!?" I hissed

"Nice to see you too babygirl" Luna smirked

I felt a small flutter in my heart upon seeing her smirk, her pencil thin eyebrows were raised and her smile looked intense, I almost melted into her appearance

"Shut it demon" I glared, she raised a brow but smirked either way

"You really thought we wouldn't ask her to come? Oh silly Aelia" Zack laughed

Why this son of a bitc-

"Ughh this was supposed to be my one night without having any distractions" I groaned, Luna smirked once again

"I distract you?" she asked

"I-" a burning sensation rose to my cheek

What does one even say in a situation like this?

"That's hot" Luna chuckled

"Let's just sit down, act like grown ups and have a fun time with our friends" Mia said

"Yep, everyone's gonna end up fucking except Leo, poor thing is single for an entire decade"

"I've actually been single all my life-"

Dramatic and shocked gasps filled the room, I couldn't help but laugh at the crazy gays

"You really didn't take any dick yet?!" Zack yelled

"Nope" Leo said

"We need to send him on a date, asap"

"I'm a mood for all the readers" Leo glared

"What's the first item on the agenda?" Ryan asked

And with that, I wondered my way over to the sofa with Zack and Ryan to to right, Luna sat in a single chair to my left. I could feel her eyes on me everytime I blinked.

She actually looked really nice tonight, her wavy hair was flowing down her back. She had on a tight t shirt which exposed her broad chest and blue shorts that were really really short. I bit my lip as I tried to avoid glancing over there.

"A good old fashion game of never have I ever" Dani smirked, I groaned and buried my head into the couch

The gays gathered around in a circle to make themselves comfortable, a few popped open bottles of beer while some -Mia- sipped water

"Okay, everyone put five fingers up. If you've done it then you'll put a finger down, the last person with any fingers up wins" Zack endured. We all rose our hands

"Never have I ever... Sent nudes" Zack smirked, I felt a pair of eyes burn into my sides

"Well shit, you going right for it" Lex laughed

My eyes glanced around to room to see the culprits, Dani, Zack and Luna placed a finger down and the room erupted in laughter. I also placed a finger down because well, obviously. I heard gasps come from inside in the room and their stares burned holes into my head but I kept my gaze away.

"No way" Someone yelled, I glanced back and saw that Mia had placed a finger down. Excuse me what?

"Mia! Nooo" I laughed

"I'm sorry!" She giggled

"We were rooting for you! We were all rooting for you!" I laughed.

My poor little innocent bean isn't so innocent anymore

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