Chapter 102

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Narrator's pov


The rain wasn't one drop, it was millions, cascading from a confident and almost pitch black sky. It was the sort of weather that washed everything anew, bringing deep puddles and flooding the streets.

And in that happy congregation of water and air, is the sense of being alive, that from such beautiful simplicity comes everything we love, the flora, the fauna, the very essence of nature.

The drops steady and soft, falling from a sky of grey velvet. They came altogether and yet as pioneers. They had the joy of the leaves, of everything that made the world so green.

So in a specificly locked room, rested Luna on top of her fiance's chest, squeezing the life out of her body. Her lips peppered kisses along the girl's breasts, leading up to her neck.

Aelia giggled and wrapped her arms around the girl, pulling her closer to her body.

"You. Taste. Fucking. Amazing" Luna whispered between kisses

Aelia's hot breath left her lips as she panted, the sweat beaded across her forehead and her legs felt like jello. Her throat felt dry as her lungs burned from suffocation from pleasure

"Oh my god" Aelia moaned as the brunette grinded her hips against hers

Luna chuckled as pulled the covers off her body, their naked bodies were pulled apart when Luna stood tall besides the bed

"Come on, let's go shower. If you can stand" Luna winked

Aelia titled her head to the side as held a smirk, peeling the covers off her own body and standing to the side of the bed

Luna chuckled softly and dipped her arms low, grabbing the girl's legs and wrapped them around her waist. Aelia's exposed and sensitive front brushed against Luna's toned stomach, causing a moan the escape her lips and she clutched onto the girl's neck

"I see you still have the energy to stand" Luna smirked


"Let's change that, shall we?" She whispered, pressing her lips against the girl's chin and walking in the direction of the shower

As hot as that was, it wasn't the point of this chapter right now. You see, the day the gays came to hell in a limo was the day a stole away was also in the car without them even knowing

A talk dark skinned angel had been sneaking around Luna's house, watching their every move.

He'd stand at the windows, his palm pressing flat on the glass as his silver eyes would pierce through the living room, watching the two girls who were sleeping soundly on the sofa, tangled with each others embrace.

The heat in his veins rose everytime he'd witness the girls together, happy and smiling. Something he wished to have, something he craved since the day he lost his wife

So he monitored the girls every single day, watching like a fly on the wall and observing their every move. Waiting for the day Luna would leave the land and travel to the underworld,  there was where he'd finally be reunited with the one he loved.

So the day the girls packed to leave, was the day he took the opportunity to slip under the car, bringing on for dear life throughout the entire journey

It's been days since they arrived in hell and Mark's been hiding out in a cave, the darkness matching with his heart in the moment

He's remained patient and calm in the shadows, planning and organizing his next move, just waiting for the right time to enter Lucifer's castle

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