Chapter 72

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*Trigger warning, discrimination*

Narrator's pov


"Are you gonna let me go?" Aelia giggled

The blonde was lifted onto the kitchen island, her arms then wrapped around her girlfriend's neck who stood between her thighs

"No" Luna mumbled as she peppered kisses along the girl's neck, leading up to her jaw

The blonde sucked in a breath and tilted her head backwards, there was no point in fighting. She'd always surrender to Luna's touch

"I'm gonna be l-late" She stuttered when Luna's fingers gripped her thighs

"So be late" Luna said in a husky voice

The fingers trailed up her girlfriend's waist, lighting grabbing against her exposed skin through the crop top

"Mhm" Aelia hummed and shutted her eyes tightly, allowing the sweet sensation to roll through her body

The sound of a car horn in the driveway went off, altering Aelia for the 10th time that the driver was there and waiting

"Stay with me" Luna whispered as she reached to the girl's ear

She seemed to find her confidence again as a smile came onto her lip and she lightly pushed her girlfriend back

"You're so cute, I swear" Aelia chuckled causing Luna to pout

"But... But I'm Senpai"

"I'm sure you are" Aelia chuckled as she leaned in, placing a soft kiss on the tip of Luna's lips

"Adulthood is hard" Luna groaned and finally stepped away

"Welcome to earth Ms Amon, press X to continue" Aelia chuckled

"Go on, I'll see you later" Luna chuckled

"Bye sweetie" Aelia giggled as she hopped off the counter

The girl held a smile and headed in the direction of the living room, only to feel a hand grip her wrist and pull her back. She giggled when her chest was slammed against Luna's

Soft lips connected with her own, melting upon contact. A small spread throughout their mouths as their lips softly pressed against each other. Luna loved the way they fitted so perfectly, fire and ice. Each drowning the other out and battling in a way only heaven would understand.

"Now you can go" Luna chuckled as she pulled away, leaving Aelia in a daze

"Scoot scoot" She chuckled and slapped her palm against the girl's ass, making her shriek

"Dumbass" Aelia playfully glared before heading towards the door

"I love you more" Luna giggled

The blonde then left and heading into her car, leaving the half demon and the husky in the kitchen. Luna let out a sigh and ran her fingers through her hair

"Wanna head to work with me bud?" Luna asked the animal

The girl chuckled when the lifted his paw and placed it on hers

"Just give me a few minutes to shower" Luna smiled and headed up the stairs into the bathroom

Her hands turned the knob and allowed the water to run, turning hot after a few seconds and filling the glass shower with stream turning to droplets of water, slowing running it's way down the walls

Maddy was already at the office, she would be doing most of the practical work for the week while Luna settled in. She had ordered a board meeting with her father's highest ranking lawyers

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