Chapter 25

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A/N double update? Quat?! :O

Aelia's pov


Only one person could take my breath away with a kiss, her lips on mine made my head spin, it knocked all the air out of my lungs the seconds they touched. Only Luna Amon could achieve such reactions from my body, no matter, no matter where, I was always hers and she knew that.

How I craved for these soft lips, they moved so softly together almost as if we were both too scared to hurt each other or let go. My skin immediately went warm and my stomach did flips.

I moaned softly into her mouth when her tongue flickered over my bottom lip, I immediately allowed her entrance.

I suddenly felt her hands on my thighs, she hooked them around her waist and pressed my back against the wall of the shower, I groaned against her lips and tossed my arms around her neck, our tongues moved together, each touch sent a wave of static through my veins.

This was more than a kiss, this wasn't some casual hookup with an ex, this is was love that was forbidden.

I felt my body shudder in pleasure as Luna ran a tongue across my bottom lip, begging for entrance. I allowed muffled moans to escape as the girl's tongue roamed my mouth moving against my tongue. I tightened my grip on her back. I missed the way our soft skin felt against each other.

Her lips left mine and traced down my jawline, my eyes squeezed shut as her mouth clamped down on my neck, a moan left my lips when her teeth sank into my flesh, a sharp pain ran through my neck as she bit harshly into my skin. I knew a bruise was forming but I was too filled with pleasure to care, my fingers ran her her hair as I gripped her her head.

Luna's tongue ran down my neck, she ran her warm long tongue over my skin before grazing her teeth against it. I shuddered in pleasure

Luna left kissed down my collar bone, her lips on my skin felt like fire that I craved. Her lips trailed down to my breasts.

Her eyes locked with mine, the dark green and dialated pupils of hers made me weak, Luna licked over my nipple, making it harden instantly, I tilted my head back against the shower wall, feeling the warm water flow over me.

My hips bucked forward into the girl's when she pinched my nipples, releasing a gush of wetness between her legs. Her tongue pressed hard against the nipple as it curled and swirled around before taking it between her teeth, I let out a whimper as she tugged on the bud. She kissed around the next nipple before taking it between her teeth and tugging even harder

"Oh fuck" I hissed, my fingers gripped her hair tighter as she groaned

She rubbed her hand and started moving the bubbly soap over my smooth ivory skin, for a second I forgot we were even in the shower.

She tugged on the pink nipples and rubbed soap on my abdomen slowly. My breath hitched when she reached a sudsy hand between my legs and ran all of her fingers along my heated sex

She attached our lips in a soft kiss and rubbed my stiff clit in a few circles before pulling away. Leaving me with a burning desire

I was shaking with need letting out a frustrated whimper.

She slid between my folds and drove her two fingers into my core slowly making my eyes shut tightly and release helpless moans. Luna moved her hands against my sex again roughly in quick hard circles, pressing directly onto my throbbing clit, she rocked my body against the glass, electric waves rolled through my veins as my body shuddered in pleasure.

Luna continued stroking my walls, I was immediately lost in the pleasure of the girl's fingers moving against my heated skin. Sparks of passion danced in my core. Her fingers pounded into my center, I felt them curl inside me and my knees went weak.

A gasp left my throat when Luna gripped my thighs, tossing it over her shoulder and pressing my back even higher against the wall, I held onto the sides of the glass for dear life as her lips pressed against my inner thighs.

She brushed her long tongue against my swollen clit, my eyes shutted tightly as a moan left my lips, her tongue pressed even harder into my entrance and toyed with the bundle of nerves. I moaned above her, feeling a tingle in my stomach that spreaded through every inch of my body.

She moaned Into my center as she felt more silky wetness meet her lips. I almost lost myself right then and there, my eyes rolled back in my head as the muffled moans of the girl's vibrated through my core. Her humming took me to another level.

She poked her tongue around within my entrance and licked the sensitive skin tentatively, her tongue flicked over my throbbing clit sending waves of intense pleasure through my body.

Suddenly her hands reached to my center, running between the folds before she started rubbing in large circles over my sensitive, stiff clit.

I couldn't hold back a loud moan as a wave of pleasure rolled through my body. Luna's fingers stroked my heated flesh with the perfect amount of pressure, the ecstasy filled my veins as I slightly rocked myself against her mouth, desperate for more friction. My walls got tighter and my body started to tremble.

My back arched, a shocking volt of electricity coursed through my veins.  She rubbed through my nerves, and her thumb circled my oversensitive clit. Luna's hot mouth against my core was driving me crazy. My heart pounded against my chest as my breathing became unsteady, my core gushed with more wetness.

I was desperately grinding my hips against her face as Luna pumped faster in me with her tongue stroking my sensitive flesh.

She curled her fingers within my entrance and blew a soft cold breeze against my clit, I collapsed right then and there.

A loud moan bounced across the room and my walls clenched tightly, my swollen sex gushed with wetness in her mouth. I trembled under her touch as she slowed down her movements.

My eyes were squeezed shut as I panted for breath, still not coming down from my rise yet. Luna slowly slid my body down to touch the base of the shower but she held me securely between her. My arms were still wrapped around her shoulder as my eyes were tightly shut

I heard her giggle and pull me closer, her head nuzzled into my neck, her both breath sent goosebumps through my body. God how I missed this.

I missed her.

"Mia's gonna kill us for running up her water bill" Luna said, I laughed against her neck

"Her mom's gonna pelt her with her shoes when she reads the bill" I giggled

"I can imagine that" Luna mumbled, my arms wrapped around her shoulder tightly as I inhaled her scent, wanting the memory of her to stay.

"Aren't you gonna be late?" she asked, my eyes immediately went wide

"Shit" I groaned

I suddenly felt a soap press against my body, Luna's hands rubbed the sudsy foam over my body. I smiled and did the same to her.

"Turn around" she ordered, I swallowed a lump in my throat and turned my backside towards her.

The girl rubbed the foamy liquid over my body, I sighed and relaxed into her touch. I missed having her hands all over me, I missed her touch.

So there we were, two Ex's casually having a shower together after hooking up.

Such a normal thing to think about

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