Chapter 60

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Narrator's pov


The balcony of the guest suit was wide enough to fit five cars, Aelia's hotel room was one of luxury, almost like royalty. It was the last night they would be spending in London

The bed was king-sized with pure white, Egyptian cotton sheets just like their room in Paris. A sixty-six-inch TV with video and DVD pasted to the wall, a sprawling leather sofa took over the living room with a glass table that changed different colours, and on the other side of the floor-to-ceiling windows was her own private terrace.

The bathroom was spotless as well as the power shower that had water sprouting out from every side of the wall. There was a bath big enough for a football team, and a Jacuzzi. Everything in marble and handcrafted tiles. The millionaire suite that Luna and Aelia molded themselves into.

She made sure to give their friends different suites just like the one they had, everyone needed to enjoy the comfort of the hotel.

"Come here" Luna whispered as she pulled Aelia in her direction

Aelia smiled and placed her knees on either sides of her girlfriend's waist, straddling her on the seat that was on the hotel balcony

Luna let out a breath as she brushed her fingers across Aelia's cheek, there was something about the way Aelia looked under the stars that caused her heart to race

The night sky was the most beautiful art, alive with its raw energy, a song for the eyes. At times Luna felt as if she could feel it vibrating somehow. The night sky was something she was addicted to as well as the rain. Her heart and soul was connected to the sky and it's ink black aurora.

The sky was whispering in a way the ears could not hear. It felt friendly when the world of people felt so devoid of love. She wanted to see it right, in three dimensions, see the sculpture of divine hands.

"You look beautiful" Luna whispered as her green eyes locked with Aelia's under the dim light of the balcony

"Thank you" the blonde giggled causing Luna's heart to swell inside

Her arms rested on Aelia's lower back, sliding under the girl's shirt and feeling her soft, smooth skin under her fingertips. The mixture of cold breeze passing through the air and the warm tips of Luna's fingers caused goosebumps to crawl along her skin, making her inhale a sharp breath.

"Prom was depressing" Aelia admitted, recalling that Luna asked her about what the past five years have been when they were on the Ferris wheel

"Really?" She asked

"You kidding me? I couldn't go to prom with the person I wanted most" Aelia pouted

Luna chuckled and placed a soft kiss on the girl's shoulder before returning her gaze back towards Aelia

"I spent the day crying in bed like a pathetic highschool girl in sappy movies" she rolled her eyes

"That's cute-"

"My pain is cute?" Aelia questioned

"I'm the devil, all pain is cute"

"Touche" Aelia chuckled

"You may continue" Luna whispered and placed a kiss on her shoulder again

"Mia and Zack came over and forced me to try on a bunch of dresses, I didn't like them so they dragged me out the house to go dress shopping. After that, we got ice cream. To be honest, it actually helped a bit. They gave me a pep talk before dropping me home to get ready but I could tell they felt the pain too. Everyone's connected to you in a way and it truly felt like you look a part of us when you disappeared" Aelia mumbled

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