Chapter 58

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Narrator's pov


"Well shit, don't have to tell me twice" Dani laughed

Aelia chuckled and held her girlfriend's hand that guided her off the bar, Luna zipped her dress back up and she happily sat on the stool, ready to see the actions unfold on the stage of Luna and her best friend

Dani's eyes locked with Luna and she smirked, Luna had to hold back a laugh when Dani tossed her brazer in Mia's face, earning a death glare from the woman

"Sorry babe, I'm trying to seduce my best friend" Dani tried to say calmly but busted out laughing in the end

Her fingers hooked around her buttons as she slowly undid them, her dark eyes matched Luna's as her chest was starting to become a bit more visible.

The Vampire finally undid all of her buttons and hopped onto the counter. Luna shook her head laughing when Dani smirked and rubbed her fingers over her breats, playfully winking at the girl

"You're fucking ridiculous" Luna snickered

"Come on, lick my titties bitch" Dani smirked

Luna then poured a line of tequila onto the girl's body trailing from her neck down to the base of her stomach. Her tongue lapped over the salt on her wrist before applying it to the girl's stomach.

Her strong tongue licked the alcohol on the girl's skin, trailing up her body and running circles around the valley of Dani's breasts, causing the Vampire to tilt her head back and bite her lip

A soft moan escaped Dani's lips when Luna's teeth dragged against her skin.

"This is hot" Mia laughed

"Very" Aelia joined her

Luna's lips connected to Dani's neck as she licked the alcohol from her flesh. The tequila turned down the volume in her thoughts. Goosebumps crawled along Dani's body when Luna's tongue pressed down on her skin, running her tongue all the way up to her lips.

Their mouths connected and Luna's teeth sunk into the fruit, squirting juices onto their lips.

The screams at the bar filled the entire room, echoing through the walls and drowning out the loud music. The random people were clapping and cheering for the two supernatural beings that simply laughed.

"Ho-" Maddy whispered

"Ly-" Aelia chimed in

"Shit" Zack finished

"That was fucking hot, Jesus Christ" Ryan laughed

"Can I go next?!" Zack smiled

"Ew. No. You have chest hair" Luna glared

"So?" he pouted


"You nasty!" Zack pouted again

"Can we get back to why we're here? We need to get Leo a lap danccceee" Maddy laughed

"Oh shit. YES"

"I-" Leo mumbled

"You'll love it, shhh" Luna chuckled and darted her eyes into the direction of a room with a 'XXX' neon sign hanging on the wall

"It's over there, let's go"

The group pushed past the adrenaline filled teenagers that somehow managed to get pass security. Their focus landed on the door, pushing past it to see nothing but red lights and a stage with silver pole in the middle.

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