Chapter 18

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Aelia's pov


"Where have you been" Justin gritted through his teeth

I barley made my way past the front door, his eyes were dark. Justin sat on the couch with his unbuttoned shirt, his hair seemed messy as his eyes narrowed towards me.

All he needed was half a glass of whiskey and he'd be a typical abusive guy from movies.

"I don't have to tell you that"

"I sent a car for you to come to MY interview" he said

"Well I had other things to do"

"You're supposed to be at my interview. Where the hell were you" he grinded his teeth against each other, I could tell that he was pissed.

But could you blame me for wanting to go anywhere else than with him after the way he acted?

Besides, I needed to talk to Luna. She's far more important than he'll ever be.

"That's none of your business" I spat, my fingers undid my heels as I tossed it into the corner of the room

I walked forward and brushed past the man's shoulder, only to have him grip my wrist and tug me closer

"Let go of me Justin" I spat

"Tell me where you were" he hissed

"I don't need to fucking tell you anything, now let go of me" I gritted

"You were with her weren't you" he asked with furrowed brows

"Who?" I teased

"That girl that keeps popping out of nowhere!"

"I don't know what you're talking about"

"Were you with her or not!" he yelled, his grip on my wrist clenched even tighter

"Justin you're hurting me" I groaned

"It was her wasn't it?!" he yelled

Our eyes locked and I stared into his furious brown orbs, his teeth grinded against his tight jawline

On cue, a buzzing sensation came from my hands. I glanced down and noticed that my phone was ringing, Jeff thank God.

"Hello?" I answered, Justin immediately released his grip and stepped back

"Where the fuck were you!" he yelled, I rolled my eyes

"Just what I needed, another man asking me about my whereabouts"

"Fortunately I'm the man that runs your life, now answer me"

"I was having dinner with Luna" I mumbled, he'd find out either way

"What did I tell you Aelia, WHAT THE HELL DID I TELL YOU"

"I had to" I mumbled 

"Do you even know her?"


"Who is she"

"Someone I knew" I lied, honestly she was the most important person in my life. Now I just don't know what to think anymore

"Then cut it out! She's the past now leave her in the past"

"Some people we just can't leave behind"

"Aelia, you breached the contract today and now there's drama channels that have a photo with you and her at dinner, do you have any idea what's gonna happen now!" he yelled. I mentally cringed as I remembered a camera flashing in the restaurant

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