Chapter 108

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*Trigger warning, death, gore and blood*

Narrator's pov


Our hearts beat the sound of our mental state. When we're trigger, it tends to move a bit faster. When we're threatened, it runs wild.

But nothing could describe the pounding of Luna's heart in this moment.

There wasn't even a second left to make a decision on her own life, it was either let go and safe herself and let her father's body be split into two or allow the woman to break her.

Medusa was running at her with full speed, legs moving fast as her eyes flickered silver, that smirk on her face had a different meaning.

Her arms reached out and a silver glow reached to her palm, aiming it directly at her daughter who hovered in mid air, trying her best to hold back Mark from ripping her unconscious father apart

When our mind knows there was nothing left, it might flash your history before it all ends.

So in that one second Luna had remaining, the image of Aelia Green's warm smile was stained in her brain

Those soft giggles she'd let out when Luna said something dirty, that wide smile she'd release when she thought about what to surprise her fans with. That quirky eyebrow that would raise as she thought about ways to piss her girlfriend off. That glare she'd send to people who loved to tease her and that permanent red blush that was always stained on her cheek when she was embarrassed.

The thoughts of what could have been, flooded Luna's mind. Perhaps a white wedding in the church, white petals to represent the purity which neither of them had.

The veil that would rest on Aelia's perfectly shaped face and the smile she'd show when Luna flipped it over.

There was so much more to their life together they needed to explore, they needed to experience together.

But just like five years ago, it was happening again. A sudden time in her life where she didn't have the luxury of being prepared.

Going into a battle she didn't want, a battle that would cost her, her life and ruin the chances of her future.

A time where she had failed the girl she loved and broke yet another promise.

A promise of forever and always.

And so with that, Medusa ran, her feet took control as she ran towards Luna. A fire in her eyes and murder on her mind. Her silver eyes glowing bright and a venomous smirk on her face, the woman held her hand and the powerful silver glow was on overflow

Luna's eyes closed, not wanting to see the face of her mother that wanted her to turn into dust and ashes.

She didn't want to give up, she wanted to fight to protect her girlfriend and everyone around her. But there was only so much she could do in one second.

Who knew what the future held for the blonde, or what would happen next. But she trusted Lex well enough to take care of Aelia.

To take care of the girl she failed to protect.

So with her closed eyelids and a pounding heart, one single tear left the rim of Luna's eyes and ran down her soft cheek.

The white charge from Medusa's hand finally pushed forward and aimed directly at Luna, piercing at her like a light but only a thousand times more powerful.

For this was it. The end of everything.

"OH FUCK NO YOU SLIMY PIECE OF SHIT"  A voice screamed through the room

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