Chapter 68

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Narrator's pov


Aelia's straight blonde hair tumbled over her shoulders as she adjusted the diamond earrings on her earlobe. Her pair of arched eyebrows looked down on sweeping eyelashes and brought out her green eyes under the dim light of the car.

Her set of dazzling white teeth lit up her own sweet personality as she laughed at a joke Luna had said

Aelia had a sculpted figure that was twine thin which allowed the dress to hug her body perfectly. She wanted one that needed much makeup but she had on a light blush with strawberry pink lipstick.

"Okay okay, but you can't tell me that you prefer to sip wine in a high class restaurant rather than drink Smirnoff on a beach" Luna chuckled

"I... I'm a switch so I like both" Aelia giggled

"That... Same" Luna showed her perfectly white teeth

The brown hair girl had her back sunk into the car seat that was adjusted to lean down. Her crescent shaped eyebrows inclined slightly when she saw Aelia staring at her. The blonde yelped at being caught. Her languid eyelashes of velvet-black blinked once slowly, as if to invited her over.

When Aelia came closer, she noticed Luna's scrolled ears and her elegant nose. She nuzzled Aelia with her nose and heard her giggles filled the car.

Her luminous, heavenly-white teeth flashed as she tucked a strand of Aelia's glorious tumble of star beam hair behind her ear

Being so close to Luna always made her emotions run wild, her forest green eyes that changed colours wound set her heart a-thump. 

Luna's oxbow lips positively drooled with goodness. Those sugar candy-sweet lips that Aelia loved to kiss, Luna's elegant personality always mesmerized the blonde.

A silver beam of moonlight walked toward the windshield, entering in pristine silence, igniting every corner of their car that was parked in the parking lot of the restaurant.

It was not enough to devour the darkness that had been residing in the car longer than she cared to admit, yet was enough for her eyes to bathe in it and momentarily expand her perception of Luna's beauty

"You're so beautiful" She whispered to to the older girl, bringing her fingers towards to girl's face, stroking her soft cheeks

Luna remained silent, feeling captured by the moment and the intoxicating smile of Aelia Green that put the moonlight to shame.

A sliver of moonlight spilled into the car, not enough to ignite the fiery hues of the girl's green eyes, but enough to navigate between the dashboard.

When Aelia broke into a smile, her beguiling, oyster-white teeth would light up the room. It could jolt you like an electric current when that megawatt smile gave you her full attention.

Filed to perfection, her Venus-red fingernails ran through Luna's nougat-brown hair. Spools of it plunged around her photogenic face and hid a swan’s neck, elegant and smooth.

She loved her nebulous, Eden-green eyes which were a-sparkle with the ‘joie de vivre’. They were like two beryl-green jewels melted onto snow.

Luna's fist grabbed onto the necklace around Aelia's neck, pulling their faces even closer while her entire body screamed in desire.

For only the fraction of a second, Aelia's mouth brushed her lower lip, like the touch of butterfly wings.

In a sigh Luna uttered the almost inaudible sound, desperately wanting more. Her calamine-pink lips tasted like rose petals

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