Chapter 12

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Aelia's pov

The sun peeked through the thin shade of the blind. Igniting the world anew with such brilliance, the sun rose with casual elegance. Each day she shone and the world shone back, joyful to reflect those warm rays. It was far from what I was feeling.

Anxiousness. It came as an electrical storm in my brain that was honestly painful. It's different from a headache and it felt the same as intense sorrow, perhaps as a sort of frozen panic with nowhere to go.

My hands gripped my phone, the notifications reminded me of last night. Thousands and thousands of spammed messages about the mystery girl that showed up to the cafe lastnight.

I went right into Jeff's messages knowing he would be furious. I sighed as I opened the message, as usual it was blown out of proportion.

But what was I supposed to do? I can't stop myself from feeling emotions.

I groaned and stepped out of bed with my phone in my hand as I headed downstairs, it vibrated in my hand. I quickly answered Jeff's call as I approached the kitchen Island.

Justin smiled sweetly at me before returning to his bowl of cereal, he wasn't one for meat as breakfast.

Ptff, couldn't be me.

"Good Morning Jeff" I greeted

"Good Morning Aelia" he said

"Is something wrong?" I teased, I saw Justin smile and shake his head in the corner

"It's everywhere!" he yelled

"What's everywhere?" I smirked

"Aelia Green, do not play with me" Jeff said through gritted teeth

"I really don't know what you're talking about" I laughed

"There's videos, photos everything's going around about this mystery girl that appeared out of nowhere. Some are even shipping you two. But this won't distract from the proposal"

"Oh, yeah. That" I muttered, my eyes glanced in the direction of Justin

"Listen. The proposal was all management's idea. But I meant every word I said" Justin whispered, her fingers pressed against my palm

In that moment I realized something. Justin really did care about me. This wasn't just a fake relationship to him, it was real. Sadness flowed through my veins as my eyes locked with the brown skinned man, here I was blocking my heart when he was doing his best to get in.

"Really?" I asked

"I really care about you Aelia. I'm not pushing anything but maybe after the marriage, we could actually go on a real date? I know it sounds weird but whatever" He chuckled

"I'll take control of everything, you don't have to worry about a thing. These things happen all the time in Hollywood, ask Shawn Mendez and Camila" Jeff said

"What are the expected ratings?" I asked my manager

"About 96% media coverage boosts your ratings to 100%" He said

"I guess it'll be worth it for both of our careers huh?" I mumbled

"I won't do anything to make you uncomfortable" Justin said, I smiled sweetly before pecking his lips

"Alright fine, I'll fake marry you" I chuckled

"YEEESSS" he squealed
"I mean.. I know it's fake and all but just the thought of walking down the isle with you is fucking crazy. I'm so excited"

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