Chapter 94

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Narrator's pov


The love of our life is hidden within a crowd of people going about their everyday lives.

It was hard to find that one person that matched us, that made us feel alive in ways we'd never experienced 

There was a person for everyone, no matter their gender or sexuality. There was someone out there that you connected with on a level that you couldn't explain

Luna and Aelia didn't have the perfect relationship in the beginning, they wanted to scrape each other's eyes out on the first day they met.

They rounded up in detention everyday for a month because of their childish banter they had

But getting to know each other was the nail in the coffin for them. A person could be hard and heated on the outside but they were the sweetest marshmallow on the inside. It was just a matter of getting to know them

It didn't take long for the blonde to melt into the girl's embrace. For Luna had this energy she gave off that would make anyone weak.

And so she knew she could never deny the girl, she knew she could never be the person she was again after she had met the person she wanted for the rest of her life

Standing there in the middle of the dancefloor and seeing the brunette on stage with the biggest grin on her face made Aelia realize something

For that smile was her weakness and she wanted to see it everyday. For they loved each other, that was a guarantee. But the thought of having someone else walk into their life and take each other away made the girls heart crumble inside and drop into the pit of her stomach.

But seeing that permanent smile on Luna's face brought her back to reality, Aelia let out a soft giggle when the brunette waved at her like a small child hooked on candy. Those green eyes lit up under the light of the room, but only Aelia could read her every emotion

The day we find someone that could read our every emotion just from our eyes is the day we know we've met the love of our lives.

"And your next winner is" Lucifer announced

Aelia felt a smile tug across her face as Luna gave her a wink, but then got her eyelashes accidentally stuck together from some sort of glue from the makeup. The blonde let out a chuckle when the girl tried to rip off the prosthetic, she surely wasn't accustomed to having makeup on.

"Um... Aelia.. We need you up here" Lucifer said, bringing the blonde out of her trance


"YOU WON" Mia squealed

Aelia's eyes immediately went wide, glazed with confusion written all over them. The room erupted in deafening screams and hands clapping together, cheering the girl on to make her way to the stage. Dani chuckled and lightly shoved the girl forward so she'd start walking

The blonde made her way up the stage, feeling all eyes on her and the screams still filling the room

A permanent smile pulled across her face standing next to her girlfriend, Luna giggled and intertwined their fingers

A crown was placed on her head, the clear diamond glittered from the reflected lights, sparkling like fireworks within seconds.

Luna brought the girl's knuckles to her lips and gave them a tender kiss before placing one on the side of her head, Aelia's cheek immediately started to burn bright

"Humans and Demons, your Prom Queen and Queen!" Lucifer squealed

With the cheers came fists in the air and eyes flung wide. They were electrified, awake, soaring to new heights of emotion. The two girls couldn't help but smile at the gesture

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