Chapter 8

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Aelia's pov


"First item on the Agenda, your photoshoot" he said

"I really don't feel like doing anything today" I groaned

"Too bad, it comes with being an awesome pop star" he smiled sweetly

"Is Max gonna be at the interview today?" I asked

"Yes. Unfortunately his shift is the exact time you're scheduled for the radio interview" He said

Justin knew exactly why I despised the man. Max was the radio announcer of the California Wave, many adored him because he knew exactly what to say and how to hold up and conversation

But only the celebrities knew the other part of the story. He feeds off drama, the man would stop at nothing to boast his ratings. He's known for making his guests highly uncomfortable and God knows how I crack under pressure.

Justin had an interview with him a few months ago and things didn't go well. Max continued to pressure Justin about his father's death and why he didn't post anything grief worthy on his twitter but instead posted photos of his father on instagram. It's so stupid and so ridiculous but the world is full of people like that.

Justin's blood boiled and he stayed silent, trying to avoid the question but Max continued firing back with more questions about his father's death until Justin lost it. He picked up his chair and threw it right at Max's head. Honestly, I don't blame him.

But unfortunately the press manipulated the story and obviously painted Justin out to be the bad guy. Duh.

A simple public interview could make or break your career, thousands of hate came in from fans who thought Justin was being extra, they said he had 'Anger issues' and then they started doing back story on him. The fans started accusing him of hitting his Exs.

It was a hectic and crazy story, but now it was my turn with the man. I've met him once but it was just for a few seconds. Simple glances and a wave, but I could tell there was disgusting behind his smile when his eyes landed on me.

Welcome to fame. Is this what you always wanted?

The car was pulled into the parking lot, I could see a few white flashes down the street. The low white building with their Logo came into my view

"Are you ready?" he asked


And with that, I was out of the car. My feet moved fast as I hurried into the building. A familiar tall man stood by the door of the building, a smile tugged across my lips as I approached my security guard.

"Hey Rolland" I smiled

"Good Morning Ms Green" he said

"I hope there wasn't any trouble" I said

"Not at all ma'am, I've handled a few paparazzi that hid behind a bush. A few are lingering outside but I could deal with them if you'd like" he said, I chuckled at the man

"No need, they're not as crazy as the rest" I smiled before heading into the building

The second I pushed through the door, I was hooked by the arm and tugged into the room. I sighed and allowed them to do their thing

My eyes landed on the makeup mirror before me, a few brushes and pats danced along my face as the makeup team worked their magic.

Along came the line of dresses, today was the shoot for a brand collaboration the company had. Unfortunately Lauren wasn't available today so it was just me and-

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