Chapter 75

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Narrator's pov


"It's interesting isn't it?" Luna asked as she glanced at the brown and white dog

"The complete history of the world, all in one room" she chuckled

Luna ran her fingers over the glass cases of the knives, slowly taking in every curve, every nub, every hinch, every groove.

"times like this is when we realize how little we know about who we are and where we truly came from" She mumbled

The girl stood in front of the shiny iron armor that was told to be cursed by the witches of Winchester. They had placed a spell onto the armor to protect whoever wears it but it came at a cost

"The weird part is, I lived through all of this history. Yet I wasn't involved in it" she muttered

Her fingertips barley brushed against the glass that contained the armor, there was something in her eyes that pulled her towards the item. A daze almost, but a force was definitely connected and pulling her in slowly.

A vibration came from her back pocket, pulling her attention away from the armor

"Damn, I'm late. Come on, we should get going" Luna smiled

Buddy brushed his fur against the girl's leg as he made his way towards the elevator with her again

"Let's just hope no one finds this place"


"I" Aelia groaned as she pressed her lips onto the girl's cheek

"Missed" she said as her lips connected to Luna's forehead

"You" she mumbled and connected her lips to Luna's nose

"So much" She giggled and pecked her lips

"I missed you more" Luna chuckled

Her hands found their way towards Aelia's hips, hooking under her thighs and lifting her up. Aelia squealed and wrapped her legs around Luna's waist while throwing her arms around her girlfriend's neck

They were in the parking lot and sure a hundred cameras were flashing but they didn't care

"Buddy misses you" Luna smiled and pressed the lock on her car when buddy hopped out

"I missed you both" the blonde giggled

"Well, am I going to be carrying you inside or?" Luna laughed

"Of course you're carrying me pheasant, now on with it!" Aelia chuckled and pointed towards the studio doors

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me. ON WITH IT" Aelia smirked, Luna smiled and shook her head slightly

"Yes ma'am" she chuckled and hooked her arms tighter around her girlfriend's legs, walking in the direction of the music studio's door

The wooden floor was a chorus of browns; they sung together, a capella of baritone hues that rose up into vibrant soprano notes. It was a fitting place for their studio, a place for those new sounds to soak right in and join the spirit that was already there. The Jauregui Enterprise was labelled above the modern black and brown exterior of the studio.

"Good Evening Ms Amon" Amy greeted the second the two girls stepped into the building

"Hi Ammyyy" Luna squealed

"You two seem to be having fun" Amy smiled

"It's not fun, more like torture" Luna groaned

"How so?"

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