Chapter 47

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*Trigger warning, light BDSM*

Narrator's pov


"Mhm" Luna hummed into the girl's mouth, their lips moved sensually together, lusting after the deep breaths and soft moans that escaped each other's throat.

Aelia was pressed against the office desk, her legs wrapped around Luna's waist and the girl ran her hands up her thighs. Aelia's fingers tangled in the girl's hair, pulling her face closer towards hers, wanting that closed gap and warmth of Luna.

Sure they were late and Amy was already waiting for them in the car but here the two girls were, in Luna's office, making out on the desk.

Luna's hands slid up the girl's thin white dress, teasing at the area around her inner thighs, Aelia let out a loud moan when Luna's thumb drew a circle around her inner thigh, sending a wave of pleasure through her body.

Luna's lips detached from Aelia's as she travelled down her face, she placed a tender kiss on the girl's earlobe and traveled down her sensitive skin with soft pecks almost feather like, earning soft gasps from the dirty blonde hair girl.

Her lips then pressed to the girl's neck, dragging her teeth over the skin to tease her. She knew she couldn't leave a mark because Aelia had to make a public appearance in a few hours but it still drove her even crazier to not sink her teeth into the girl's flesh and claim her as her own.

Aelia was growing sexually frustrated with the girl's teasing, Luna's tongue circles around her neck and lightly dragged her teeth over her skin, teasing and making sure not to press hard. A moan escaped the blonde's throat as she tilted her head back.

Luna's hips were pressed between Aelia's front because of their position, the brown hair girl intertwined her fingers in Aelia's hair, pulling her head back and leading it down flat to the table, a sharp pain ran through the blonde's head that was replaced with pleasure when Luna cupped her front

"oh fuck" Aelia moaned when her back was pressed against the desk and Luna's fingers slowly massaged her front through her dress, slowly teasing and dipping into her entrance

"How do you want this?" Luna whispered as she stepped back, Aelia still pressed onto the table as Luna stood before her

Luna slowly pulled off her blazer, tossing it to the ground. Her fingers played with her tie as she unhooked it and wrapped it around her knuckles.

"Surprise me" Aelia whispered, her eyes were lowered to Luna as she took in every inch, every curve of the girl. God she looked so hot in that suit.

"Oh?" Luna raised a brow and smirked while unbuttoning her shirt halfway down, exposing her cleavage that Aelia's eyes burned into

"So you want me to do anything I want with you?" Luna whispered as she stood in the middle the girl's legs

Her eyes travelled up Aelia's smooth legs, Luna smirked and stroked the girl's skin with the tip of her finger, sending goosebumps along the girl's body.

"Yes" Aelia whispered once again, a smirk pulled across Luna's lips as she made eye contact with the girl

With one swift move, Luna tossed the tie around Aelia's shoulder, pulling her up. Aelia's back arched as Luna pulled her body up to meet her, their eyes locked and their lips barley brushed against each other's. Luna's eyes fell onto the girl's lips while Aelia stared into her green emerald eyes.

And just like that, Luna released her tie and allowed Aelia to fall back onto the flat desk, Aelia groaned from the impact but her cries were muffled when Luna placed the tie around her mouth, she hooked the cloth around Aelia's head and secured it around the girl's teeth so she couldn't scream too loud.

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