Chapter 19

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A/N Double update, eeeep
I'm only posting this because it's not worthy of a 24 hour wait, so enjoy until the next chapter is posted in a few hours 💖

Narrator's pov


Two days has passed since Zack and Aelia decided to have a sleepover. Aelia actually depended on this, it's been so long since she's seen her friends and she wanted to spend as much time as possible with them before she hit the road again to tour.

"Where are you going?" Justin asked, Aelia rolled her eyes and turned to face the man with crossed arms

"This again? Really?" she asked

"I think I have a right to know where my fiance is heading out to at 8 in the night" he said

"First off that's a fake engagement and secondly you don't a tight to anything. It's my own private life, I don't ask you who you're texting all day" she said

"Because you can't-"

"You're really starting to annoy me you know that?" she asked

"It's the love we have for each other" he smiled

"Justin what's going on with you lately?" she asked

"Nothing, I'm cool" he shrugged

"Then why are you being so possessive and bitchy?" She asked

"I don't like when people get in between my money and career" he answered

"It doesn't mean you have to act like a douche" she said

"The world isn't full of sweet people, you have to be a dick sometimes to get what you want"

"Not always-"

"You know what, you can go do whatever you want. I'll just stay here and work on some lyrics" he said

"Are you gonna be okay?" she asked

"I'm a man aren't I?" he questioned

"You're a man with hundreds of thousands of women dying to have your seed"

"Then you should consider yourself lucky then" he smirked

"Ugh get over yourself" Aelia chuckled

"Well can you now answer me on where you're going? I'd like to make sure you're okay" he said

"I'm heading over to Mia and Zack's to catch up for the night. I'll be back tomorrow" she answered, the man nodded in response

"Will she be there?"


"You know who" the man said


"Good, then I have nothing to worry about. Have fun" he smiled and waved

"Goodnight Justin"

Aelia swung her bag over her shoulder and made her way out the room and down the stairs into her car. The starry night filled the sky as the girl pulled onto the mainroad

The breeze delicious touched her skin as Aelia took a deep breath in, releaved to finally be out of the house without having to run to a meeting or have makeup thrown onto her face, it was a simple night to spent with her friends.

It didn't take long for Aelia to reach to the twin's house, she blowed her horn at the gate and the lights flickered on.

"Aye look who's here!" Mia giggled as she stepped onto the road

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