Chapter 112

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Narrator's pov


The loud gushing of the jet throdders filled the night as it landed safely. Aelia smiled and intertwined her fingers with her fiancé, heading towards the door of the jet where the red carpet lined steps leading to the ground

Aelia's silver heels touched the top of the steps, her tight fitted silver dress hugged her figure perfectly with the fluffy white coat around her shoulders, her hair pulled into a high pony

While Luna shoved a hand in her black trousers, her white button up had a few buttons undone with her golden necklace hanging low on her neckline. Her brown wavy hair was pulled into a bun as she intertwined her fingers with her fiancé

"MS GREEN, OVER HERE" Someone yelled

The girls were immediately bombarded by bright flashes of twenty or more cameras on the airstrip. The photographers dipped their knees to get a right angel of the couple

It was everywhere, what seemed like a Royal wedding had filled the covers of dozens of magazines. Aelia Green, famous singer gets married at age 23. Age wasn't a problem for the girl, her heart knew what she wanted and it definitely wasn't Justin

Speaking of the waste of organs.

Unfortunately he did survive the torture Luna placed him through by some miracle. But oh how he wished he had died that same day

Documents, court cases and his ex girlfriends all came forward to the media to and Maddy released all of the dirt they had dug up on the man. His life was more than miserable, contracts fell out, sponsors left and so did his team. Money was pulled from all of his accounts and his parents shunned him. He was basically a homeless wreck of bones walking around the world searching for a purpose. He was forgotten. Just as he left his court cases from abusing women. Forgotten.

"How are you feeling about the big wedding tomorrow?" The paparazzi asked

"Excited, I can't wait to finally tangle my life with this incredible woman over here" Aelia said as she kissed the brunette's cheek

"Ms Amon, what do you have to say about that?"

"I'm just a lucky piece of shit" Luna grinned, the blonde chuckled as she started to take steps down the jet

"Can we get quite few names of the invitees?" someone shouted

"Satan's gonna be there" Luna said as they reached the bottom of the stairs

"Satan? Oh you mean homophobes of people who don't support gay marriage?" the person asked

"Nope. Just Satan" Luna smirked, the person furrowed their brows at the girl


Aelia chuckled as she slightly shoved her girlfriend in the direction of the familiar faces, all bracing against the cars near the jet

"Now this is some millionaire shit" Zack said as the girls approached him

The gays were bracing against various rented cars for the night, well half of the gays. The rest were still at the rented club they had prepared for the girl's joint bachelorette party

Zack adjusted his golden cufflings on his tight silk blue suit, his curly brown hair hung a bit over his perfectly shave eyebrows. His back was pressed against a golden wrapped Bentley

"Anything for my girl, besides we deserve to live a little. I don't want to think about life tonight, just throw money at whatever comes at me" Luna smiled

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