Chapter 66

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Trigger warning, Panic attack

Narrator's pov


I couldn't breathe. Everything was spinning and it felt as if the ground was melting under her feet. There was a heavy weight on her heart and body that would not leave

"I'm gonna get her back, and you're all going to lead me to her" the man said

Only Lucifer knows that the hell this demon was even talking about, Aelia was more than confused by anything he was saying.

Sure she understood that he loved Medusa but everything else he was saying was hard to focus on, especially since he's had a hold on her muscles and veins

"It's crazy what length we'd go for the person we love, I just hope you could understand that" the man mumbled

He inched even closer towards the girl despite being pressed against her back, his hand reached around her body. An invisible hand clasped over her mouth, an equally ghostly hypodermic of adrenaline pierced through her heart, unloading in an instant. Aelia tried to scream, but nothing came out.

"You must be wondering why I'm telling you this, maybe it's because I'll just kill you" he smirked

The soulless came for a soul, the very thing they could never regain. They came to take innocence and feel the evil joy as they sunk into the filth of indifference

Aelia felt her ribs heaving as if bound by ropes, straining to inflate her lungs. Her head was a carousel of fears spinning out of control, each one pushing her mind into blackness. She wanted to run, she needed to run.

He'd been watching her for months, he knew her routines, where she lived and that she stopped to pet puppies, sure her life was public but this wasn't just an obsessed fan. This was a matter of the supernatural, the man was yearning for this love and needed a way to get her back

"Don't worry, you won't remember a thing" The said

Suddenly, a piercing pain ran through Aelia's forehead, seeping into her veins. Almost like ice trying so desperately to sink into the human flesh and touch the cells of the brain.

"Aelia? You okay in there?" A voice asked from outside the compartment

The pain still didn't stop, the man's fingers they're rightly passed against the girl's head, draining the memory of their interaction

"Aelia?" the person asked again

"L-Luna" Aelia barley mumbled out before the pain vanish and so did the man

"Move, I'll deal with this" a muffled voice said

The door was kicked open without any problems, one kick and it broke. And in came Luna Amon, her brows were furrowed as her eyes scanned the compartment frantically

"Are you okay baby?" Luna asked as she walked over towards her girlfriend that was breathing heavily

"I... "

"Aelia?" Luna asked

Aelia could hear the air moving through her bronchioles like they were some kind of weird instrument. It was a wheezing really, squeaky and worrisome.

Luna's eyes went wide as her heart started to race at the sight of her girlfriend, she'd dealt with Aelia having panic attacks in the past

Luna's hands were firmly placed on the girl's back, smoothing over her back in attempt to calm her down, she held the girl's firmly in her arms as Aelia clung onto her body

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