Chapter 110

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Narrator's pov


We all need that one person in our life to keep us settled, that one person that gave us hope to continue on.

A connection doesn't have to be sexual, it just needed to be with someone that understood the reason for your heart beating everyday

And no matter how many years we spend alone, there was always a person ready in the world to memorize everything that made you, you

There's one person in this world that wants a blueprint of your soul

For the days we felt like nothing, they were there to remind us why it was all for a reason

For the days when we couldn't raise a finger, they were there to keep us alive inside and out

For this day that Luna couldn't physically stand without feeling the gut wrenching pain in her body, there was Aelia to keep her heart still beating

"LUNA" the blonde yelled as she ran towards the girl, the pouring rain was absolutely nothing to hold her back

Heck, even Lex couldn't hold her back from escaping and searching for her fiancé

Luna's smile reached her ear when she saw the girl struggling through the muddy path, almost falling over as the mud stuck to her feet

"Come here you dumbass" Luna chuckled when the blonde finally reached her

But her smile dropped instantly when she noticed Aelia's pissed expression.

Instead of her soft gaze that promised laughter and easy banter, her eyes glared with an intensity that tightened Luna's chest. Though they still shared memories, her eyes drilled out of her any notion of shared spirit.

There was no softness in that gaze. It was a look that conveyed a bubbling hatred.

"How. Dare. You. Leave. Me. Alone. Like. That!" Aelia screamed as her arms swatted against the girl's shoulders

"ow. Ow. OWWWW" Luna hissed as she tried to dodge the girl's hits

"DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE DO THAT AGAIN" Aelia yelled as she slapped her fist against the girl's shoulders

"YOU. COULD. HAVE. FUCKING. DIED. AND. LEFT. ME. ALONE. AGAIN LUNA. AGAIN" She screamed, by now Luna wasn't focusing on the pain in her arm

But her eyes focused on the fact that Aelia was broken

The hits to her shoulders pained but nothing hurt more than the tears rolling down Aelia's eyes.

Despite the rain, her tears were still visible.

Her eyes dripped with tears. Her walls, the walls that held her hopes, made me strong to survive that dat just collapsed in the second. Moment by moment, they fell. Salty drops fell from her chin, drenching her cheek.

She was trembling, not from the cold and rain pouring over her. But because of her own emotions falling apart right in front of her.

The bleeding girl clenched her jaw and wrapped her arms tightly around her fiancé, but Aelia refused to be held.

Aelia couldn't stop her tears, even as Luna pressed her hand against her own, it shook, it trembled. It was raw, everything, raw tears, raw emotions being let out with the anger fueling in her bloodstream.

"It's okay. I'm here" Luna whispered, her arms held her fiancé wrist tightly, pulling her close but Aelia fought

The blonde grinded her teeth against each other, trying to pull her arms away from the demon but failing. She was weak, inside and out.

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