Chapter 77

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Narrator's pov


"Wanna dance?" Aelia asked, bringing a smile to Luna's lips

"I thought you'd never asked" She chuckled

Dani smiled and slipped away, finding her girlfriend to dance with and leaving the couple in the middle

They slipped in among the crowd, A glass of whiskey later, Luna was ready to move with the music, hands in the air, body moving like an uncoiling rope, eyes on fire. The joy was like a shot of adrenaline to the heart and all at once she was moving, one with the music, one with every crazy person dancing in the place.

Aelia's backside was pressed against her front while the girl leaned her head over Luna's shoulder, grinding deeply into her body, driving Luna insane. She shutted her eyes to contain herself while she kept her hands on Aelia's waist, moving side to side and dipping with the girl

The party was a rage, everyone fed off of the deafening music, Aelia could go like this all night long, feet moving to the crazy beat like they belong to the music

She grinded against her girlfriend's as if her hips were made to sway, the neon lights of the room kissing their eyes like a disco ball light that twirled above - launching a every shade of the rainbow into the darknes

Luna tilted her head back and allowed her emotions to take over, feeling the adrenaline in her veins and sexual frustration consume her entire body. Her hands gripped Aelia's waist even tighter, pulling her in and moving her body in the same rhythm

She was drunk off her own lust

Of course Aelia noticed it, she smirked to herself knowing how turned on the girl was and they were only dancing, barely brushing against each other

She threw her arms around Luna's neck, finally facing her. Aelia's lips pressed against the girl's neck, causing Luna to bite her bottom lips. The blonde ran her wet tongue down the girl's skin, making her shudder in response

She had every intention of punishing Luna until her hand touched her face. The acceleration of her heart-rate had nothing to do with fear and everything to do with what her body really wanted.

She was driving Luna insane, her hands tangled in the demon's hair as she sunk her teeth into the girl's neck, nibbling and kissing her skin slightly. Luna's eyes landed on her girlfriend's chest, her breathing rate duly noted.

With a gentle finger she reorients Aelia's face so that she held the gaze she didn't want to give her, stealing the passion from her eyes in a way that only magnified the spark. There was no smile on her lips, only the hot intensity of her gaze that they both knew was the start of the inferno to come.

She grabbed her by the waist, pulling her up close against her chest. Luna's hand gently glided through the girl's hair, as she looked at her in a way she had never looked at a girl before. Her eyes were candles in that night, their light a spark of passion... desire.

As a small but teasing smile crept upon her face, goosebumps lined her skin, not the kind than one gets in the cold, but the kind one gets when nothing else matters except right here, right now.

Their lips brushed against each other's. Not innocently, like a tease but hot, fiery, passionate and demanding, almost suffocating. Aelia almost moaned at the feeling of their soft lips pressing against in each. She wanted to pull away before she lost herself but she couldn't seem to

The burning taste of alcohol on their tongues made them lost in the moment, their senses had been seduced and could not think right

"Luna" she moaned, slowly, prolonging each letter as if to savor them.

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