Chapter 34

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Aelia's pov


Unknown number: Good Morning Beautiful

I raised my brow at the message, usually fans would text me on social media platforms but this person had my number, I shrugged and ignored it

My hands pulled the T shirt over my head as my fingers passed through my hair, pulling it into a bun.

It's been so long since I've always taken a break, now I have a few days off to just... Be in the house because I can't go anywhere in public without being recognized.

I sighed and stood from my bed, a knock was suddenly heard through the room, I quickly opened the bedroom door and my eyes immediately landed on Justin.

"What?" I asked

"I came for my suitcase, it's under the bed" he said

Yeah I wasn't allowing him to sleep in this room next to me anymore, he's a jerk who needs to get his attitude together. I couldn't believe I actually fell for his sweet guy act.

When things don't go his way, the real side of Justin came out.

Thankfully it did, otherwise I wouldn't be able to see the real desires he had underneath.

"Take it and leave" I said

"Why you gotta be so mean?" he pouted. Ew.

"I don't know, ask the waiter you made got fired because he didn't walk fast enough to bring your fucking food" I glared at the man

"He deserved it-"

"What he deserves is to be in a world without people like you, that's why I hired him to my makeup crew. Turns out he's really talented" I said with my arms crossed against my chest

"Wow, just wow. You're so petty, you go and hire someone just because I made them get fired" Justin scoffed and headed towards the bed, dragging his packed suitcase from under the bed

"You're calling me petty? Me?"

"Listen, I don't have the time to argue right now. I'm already late for my flight-"

"You're taking a jet" I glared at him

"Whatever, I'll see you in London next week" He groaned and stepped out the room

My phone buzzed again, I furrowed my brows at looked at the screen

Unknown number: Babe, I'm coming over

I raised a brow at the text, is Justin trying to prank me right now?

I groaned and headed down the steps, my eyes narrowed to the man that dragged his suitcase out the door.

I threw open the front door and stood between it's frame as I glared at the man walking towards the car.

"Did you send me this text?!" I asked

"What text?" He groaned and opened the car door

"Are you trying to prank me and make me feel scared in this house? Because it's really not funny" I hissed

For some reason, I felt a presence next to me, almost as if someone was standing right behind me.

"Aelia. I have no goddamned idea what you're talking about" he shouted from the car, the driver pressed his feet onto the gas and the black Cadillac was pulled out of the yard

I rolled my eyes and slammed the door shut, who the heck was texting me?

"Well that was intense" a voice came from behind me.

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