Chapter 82

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Narrator's pov


"This feels weird" Aelia giggled as she leaned her head against her girlfriend's shoulder

"Why's that?" Luna asked

"The last time I was here, I was walking across that stage to collect my certificate" The blonde mumbled

"And now you're walking across there to see the hundreds of students who are dying to get out into the real world and fuck some shit up" Luna smiled

"The gen z generation will not be stopped"

"No one can handle us and that's a fact" the brunette grinned

The two girls were currently on the stage but far in the corner, Principal Green was giving his afternoon speech to the students of highschool to announce his retirement

"I can't handle you, that's for sure" Aelia whispered, Luna raised her brow

"You can't handle me?" Luna chuckled

"I can't handle what you do to me" The blonde mumbled, a soft shiver went down to Luna's core as she smiled

"You don't know what you do to me Aelia Green" Luna chuckled, my arm wrapped around her girlfriend from the side

"I think I have a clue" The blonde giggled

"Believe me, you really don't" Luna smiled and pressed her lips against the side of her girlfriend's head

"I'm really going to miss each and every one of you" Principal Green said, the man was getting teary eyed

"Awww your dad's crying" Luna pouted

"I should get out there" Aelia giggled before placing a peck on her lips and running onto the stage where her father stood, tears trailing down his cheek

The students seemed to go crazy at the sight of Aelia, their spirits rose right out of their chests, their shouts of joy echoing around with their tear filled cheeks from the retirement of their principal. They cheered for the love of seeing their favorite singer, some might say idol, reaching over to comfort her heart broken father

"It's okay" Aelia whispered, her hands lightly rubbed the area on her father's back as he was hunched over the podium

"I just need a minute, I'm sorry" He whispered, his bottom lip almost trembling

"Awww dad" Aelia pouted, her arms wrapped around his torso as she pulled him into a tight warm hug

Tears ran down the eyes of the students, their cheeks stained by the salty release. Mr Green was like a father figure to many, even for Luna. He gave the best advice someone would need. He was hilarious, there was never a dull moment with the man. 

"Green Academy means alot to my father" Aelia giggled inti the mic

"It really does" Mr Green pouted, earning a few 'awws' from the crowd

"It's his legacy. The thing he's most proud of" Aelia smiled

"Now that's where you're wrong" Mr Green said with a smile

His grin reached his ear as he hooked his arm around his daughter's shoulder. Kissing the side of her head softly

"The school isn't what I'm most proud of" he said

"Is it Aeli-"

"It's when I caught those two idiots spray painting on the back of the school!" Mr Green smiled

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