Chapter 24

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Aelia's pov


"Yes" I whispered

I know I'd regret the words someday but I was too consumed with emotions to lie. I really did want her, I needed her.

Luna smiled devilishly, her eyes slowly turned jet black, it was as if ink was spilled into her eyes. But this time, something different happened. Luna's veins glowed a shade of white, I furrowed my brows at her.

Suddenly, a hand pressed against my throat, her thumb sunk into my skin and I groaned. The pain consumed my body as she tugged my face towards hers. My lips parted slightly as they came closer to her black eyes

"Stop playing with me" she whispered, my teeth sunk into my bottom lip as the words left her lips

"I'm.. I'm no- FUCK" I moaned when Luna's lips pressed against my neck

The water ran over our skins coating our bodies in steam, the girl's teeth sank into my flesh as her flat tongue pressed onto the mark.

The steam from the shower formed droplets of water, the water from the shower drenched our bodies that were pressed against each other.

I felt butterflies when her lips moved together attached to my skin, goddammit why was I reacting like this. Just her smile leaves goosebumps along my arm.

Do you know what it's like to want someone so bad? To crave every inch of their skin, to desire all of their love, their attention. But there's no way you'd have them, there's so many consequences. There was too much at stake but it made craving them even more hot. She was a forbidden fruit, ironic isn't it?

Everytime I blinked, she was there. She never left my mind, it was becoming frustrating with how many times I had to fight my thoughts of her.

It was as if everything I've done, collapsed the second I saw her. All of my walls, my burning pain, all of the tears that stained my pillow everynight that I cried for her, the nights where all I wanted was her arms around me and a kiss to the forehead. All of the memories we had that I blocked out, it came flowing back in and goddammit it was flooding fast.

For years, I forgot what it was like to smile, a genuine smile. I honestly gave up on the thought of 'love'. But now that she back, I don't know what to say.

It was taking every ounce of energy within me to stay away from her, but that energy was dying out at the most agonizing pace.

Sometimes I wanted to give in, God knows how bad I wanted her.

Luna's hands cupped my breasts, kneeding the soft flesh, her thumb ran over both nipples, her eyes were lowered to my breasts as she stared at them in awe, feeling them instantly harden under her touch. My lips caught between my teeth before I let out a throaty moan.

She moved from my neck and left wet kisses down my collar bone, her tongue trailed to my breast, taking the pink nipples in her mouth. My back arched when her hot wet tongue flickered over the bud.

Luna's hands cupped the other breast, kneeding the soft flesh, her thumb ran soft circles around the area, raising goosebumps on my skin. My lips caught between my teeth before leting out a throaty moan. Luna's hips slowly grinded against mine. God I swear my body was on fire right now.

I panted for breath, Luna's teeth tugged on the sensitive bud. Her mouth was suddenly replaced by her fingers. I glanced down and my eyes landed on Luna, she smirked and squeezed the bud in her grasp.

"Oh fuck" I moaned and tilted my head back

Luna's finger rested on my chin, I felt a sharp pain on my neck, her nails dug into my skin as they dragged down. My core clenched in anticipation and my heart pounded against my chest. Luna's sharp nails left a burning trial down my neck, to my collar bone. They scraped over my breast, running over my nipples. 

Luna gripped my sides and harshly slammed my back against the wall before running a flat tongue over my pulse point and biting into the flesh again.

"Oh my fucking God-" I moaned loudly, my hands tightly tangled in the girl's hair, the desperation on my face was visible, I felt so vulnerable but only she knew she had that power over me. Luna smirked against my neck before continuing her journey

Her finger trailed a line from my nipples and wandered down my stomach, my heart raced as her skin lingered on mine.

Her two fingers came dangerously close to my front, I bit my trembling lips as the fluttering sensation flowed through my veins.

The girl's fingers finally reached it's destination, they barley brushed against my center and my knees immediately went weak. I felt dizzy as Luna's fingers gently stroked my flesh, teasing at my swollen clit.

Her arm pressed above my head as she leaned her face closer to mine, her green eyes locked with mine.

"Tell me you want me" she ordered, I swallowed a lump in my throat

"I want you" I barley mumbled out

Instantly, her two fingers flicked and swirled around my clit, sending bolts of electricity through my body. My back arched against the glass as the heat spreaded through my stomach.

Luna's fingers moved agonizingly slow at my clit, teasing and frustrating me even more. My hands gripped the sides of the shower. Suddenly I felt her fingers enter me, my eyes almost rolled back in pleasure as Luna stretched her fingers inside me teasing the bundle of nerves.

She rubbed through my nerves, and her thumb circled my sensitive clit. The sweet pleasure was building up and I wanted to give in.

I was now grinding my hips slightly against the girl's fingers. Luna still teased me slowly but it evoking a sensation from my I never knew I had, she pumped in me so slowly, Luna curled her fingers within my entrance.

"Holy fu-" I moaned loudly, the desperate moans that left my throat showed how badly I wanted this.

And suddenly the feeling was gone, I furrowed my brows as my eyes landed on hers, Luna smirked and slipped her fingers away from my body but still pinned me securely between her.

"So yeah, friends right?" Luna smirked


Her chuckles filled the room, the girl shook her head and stepped away. Which she instantly regretted because my knees finally gave in since she was the only think keeping me up

She smiled and held my waist against the shower wall, my heart fluttered and raced having her so close to me. Our naked bodies were intertwined

"I missed this" she whispered, her fingers ran through my wet hair as she twirled it around

"I missed you" I whispered almost inaudibly, a smile etched across her lips

"I know you have scars, I know you're not ready to give me your all, I know you're still bruised from the past. But I'm not gonna stop trying Aelia, I never will" She whispered, her fingers cupped under my chin and pulled my face closer

"Fuck everyone else, sometimes I wish you'd put yourself first for once, you're always worrying about what people are gonna say and what could happen instead of what should happen. Then again, you've always been that way, you're such a giver" Luna chuckled, my eyes locked with hers

"It hurts that I'm not worth it" she mumbled, I furrowed my brows at her

"Yes you are" I said

"shh, I understand what you're dealing with, your team depends on you to listen and you depend on them. It's your new life now and I just sprung out of nowhere, believe me... I understand what you're going through"

"Luna, Just shut up and kiss me"

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