Chapter 107

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Trigger warning, blood and gore

Narrator's pov


Mark's nails dug into the side of Lucifer's face, silver eyes bored into jet black ones as a fight of the supernatural went on.

Lucifer hissed when his back was slammed against the rocky concrete wall, a sharp broken edge of the wall sinking into his skin, dangerously close to his spine. It was a war that resembled tigers

Their nails scratching deep into flesh. In that frozen second between stand off and fighting, their eyes flick from silver to black. Mark's face was unreadable, no fear, no invitational smirk.

A sudden gush of pain jolted throughout Lucifer's body. His stomach ached, his arms lost tension and his legs began to weaken.

His blood red wings wrapped around his body like a forcefield as Mark continued to push a demanding force of wind to his body, slowly pushing the devil backward into the concrete wall again where his back had collided.

His tongue was soaked in the taste of blood. Bruised and winded, with a back in agony, he grabbed the foot of the angel and pulled him to the ground. His head was pounding. He brought a fist to the angel's face, snapping his nose into a grotesquerie.

Maddy on the other hand was shoved into the concrete wall behind her, the girl's small frame hit the wall with such force they knocked the air out of her lungs and dashed her skull into the stone hard wall. A sharp pain ran through her body

The pain felt like silent grenades all setting off in her body, pounding at every inch of her internally. Where started with her head, the smashing of her skull into the stone wall made her lose her sight. Her eyes felt heavy as they slowly started to close, the dinging echoing through each area of her head. The slam to the wall had a hardcore hit on her skull

"For fuck sakes Maddy" Luna hissed when the girl fell to the floor, knowing if she took another step then she'd join her sister

Luna groaned and dashed towards her sister on the floor, her arms wrapped around the girl's frame only to feel her unconscious body. Maddy's arms felt like jello, her white wings were twisted in an angle that could only show that it was broken from the harsh impact

Her muscles felt as though they had been flash-burned with acid from the inside - just sufficient to make them move like the living cells have been replaced by aging rubber bands, thick and twisted. 

Luna furrowed her brows when she felt liquid on her fingers, she pulled her hands back and saw the red liquid pouring from the side of Maddy's head

It flowed out of her limp body and splattered onto the floor. It seemed into every corner of the room, what was once a cold and dark place was now covered by the gore of the red, flowing blood.

The anger was boiling within her, she couldn't be afraid of the rage that is fire within her. Luna had never felt so much rage as when pushed into passivity against her will. Rage built like deep water currents.

The woman that stood before her, that was supposed to be her mother was driving her completely insane at this point. She wanted nothing more but to destroy and kill whatever breathes and leave their bodies to turn to ash so she could walk over it.

Luna's fists clenched together as the blood of her sister dripped from her fingers, the adrenaline charging through her veins and her black and white wings aggressively fluttering as she rose to her feet

"She was your DAUGHTER" Luna hissed

"Oh please, she's just useless now especially if she's all friendly with you and... Wherever your pet humans call themselves" Medusa chuckled as she crossed her arms against her chest

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