Chapter 36

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A/N no popcorn but I'm giving away free hugs 💖

Narrator's pov


"You're burning the PASTA" Aelia screamed

Luna's eyes went wide as she pulled herself away from the girl, instantly missing her body heat.

"Fuck" Luna hissed and turned the gas off, fanning away the small smoke that formed from the burnt prawns

Aelia's giggles filled the kitchen when Luna gripped the hot pan with her bare hands

"FUUUUCCKKK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK" Luna hissed, a sharp heat ran through her fingers when the hot pan touched her flesh

"Fucking dumbass" Aelia laughed, Luna turned around to glare at the girl

"Thank you for your sympathy" She said with narrowed eyes

Aelia rolled her eyes and hopped off the counter, walking towards Luna who picked up a kitchen cloth

"Give me this" Aelia muttered, Luna handed over the cloth to the girl

Aelia wrapped the towel around the pan and walked it over to the sink, dumping the sauce through the drain

"Come here" Aelia said, Luna walked over and joined the girl at the sink

Aelia held Luna's hands, instantly feeling a weird tingle on their skin. Both girl's glanced at each other in search to know if they both felt it.

A blush crept onto Aelia's cheek, she brought Luna's hands over to the pipe and ran it under cold water to distract herself from blushing.

"There, ya big baby" Aelia giggled

"Oh I'm a baby?" Luna asked

"You're the most powerful being on earth and hell, a little burn won't kill you" Aelia laughed

"You should have felt that burn on your damn ass" Luna glared

"Now what did my ass ever do to you?" she giggled

"It keeps staring at me, begging to be touched" Luna smirked, Aelia rolled her eyes in response

"You're always horny" Aelia muttered

"Is that such a bad thing sweetheart?" Luna smirked wider

The girl walked back over to the stove, her hands reached into the brown cabinet and pulled out a few ingredients for a second sauce since the first was ruined.

"You cant have sex everywhere you go" Aelia answered as she crossed her arms against her chest

Luna rose her brow, stopping everything she was doing to stare dumbfounded at the blonde girl

"Oh really?" she asked

"Yes, really" Aelia said

"We had sex in the movies, in a restaurant filled with people in front of my family, we had sex on the beach, we had sex in our classrooms, the auditorium, the parking lot, the coffee shop before it got rebuilt, the KFC-"

"Okay okay! You win!" Aelia squealed, the girl's face looked as if it was on fire, she matched the level of a tomato. Her blush was bright red.

"Come here" Luna whispered, Aelia rose her brow but still walked over to the girl

Luna placed her hands on the girl's waist, pulling her closer to her chest.

"Go shower, I'll be down here waiting" Luna whispered, her lips pressed against Aelia's forheard earning a brighter blush from the blonde girl

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