Chapter 38

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Narrator's pov



"I don't think I've ever been so nervous before" Aelia mumbled

"Why's that?" Luna asked as she revered the car into the parking lot

"Because I'm literally introducing my parents to the DEVIL himself" She groaned

"You don't have to tell them he's the devil if you don't want to" Luna said as she turned the engine off

"But I don't want to hide it, it's been five years without them even meeting, that's pretty long to introduce our parents" Aelia said

"Our relationship isn't common" Luna chuckled

"I know but stilllll" Aelia giggled as she stepped out of the car

"I think our dads will hit it off" Luna said

"They're pretty similar, I'm amazed they're not related"

"Incest Wincest" Luna smirked

"You're disgusting" Aelia laughed

"I'm known as many things sweetheart" Luna smiled

The two girls headed past the red and white arch of an entrance. The pier was home to a permanent fun fair,  bumper cars, the hall of mirrors, the ghost train, a loop-the-loop roller coaster and the big wheel. Waves playfully splashing below, gentle salty breeze, cafe, chips, doughnuts and candy floss. Late summer sun, sun speckled sea, gulls swooping for dropped chips. The warm breeze of the afternoon touched the skin and the heated sun pierced their flesh.

"Where's your father?" Aelia asked

"I do believe I know where he is" Luna smirked

Her fingers barley brushed against the girl's as they walked side by side, the hair on her arm rose when their skins touched, she wanted to intertwine their hands so badly, but she afraid of being rejected.

To her surprise, Aelia actually held their hands firmly and intertwined theirs fingers together. A smile stretched across her face as Aelia leaned her head against her shoulder as they walked towards a vendor selling ice-cream.

"This place is beautiful" Aelia whispered

Lines of children snaked away from each ride, eager eyes, impatient feet, ready smiles. A discordant medley of summer sounds, the train track thud-thud of stroller wheels over the wooden planks, the cheery plodding melodies played out of crackly old speakers from each ride, squeals and screams.

The repetitive tinny music of arcade games call out from the sheltered array of glowing, flashing machines. The smell of frying doughnuts permeates the sea air.

"Dad!" Luna yelled as she pushed through a crowd of horny females that surrounded the ice cream machine

"What the?" Luna asked

Her eyes landed on her father's bare chest that was only covered with an apron. His brown hair was slicked back as he held two ice cream cones in his hand, he seemed to be the one in charge of the machine while the vendor stared at him in awe, a few women flocked around the devil and their desperate giggles filled the pier.

"Darling, you're here" Lucifer smiled

"Who are these people?" Luna asked

"Just a few girls who wants a cone after they saw me eating ice cream-"

"Of course they did" Luna chuckled

"-The vendor was being a little slow so I happily stepped in, isn't that right Gerald?" Lucifer asked the vendor

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