Chapter 87

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Narrator's pov


The sculptures in the hallway of the castle had been made long ago by masters of the craft. They were set on pedestals amid the water of the fountains and the perfectly manicured hedges that looked like different animals

"I can't believe you grew up here" The blonde whispered

"How so?" The brunette asked as her thumb lightly stroked her girlfriend's fingers that was intertwined with hers

"Because of who you are, you live in modern places with bright colours. It's interesting to know that you grew up in such medevial architecture" The blonde smiled

"I'm a switch darling, I enjoy both" Luna winked

"Oh my God" Aelia giggled

Luna's eyes glanced into her girlfriend's green orbs

Her eyes were mosaics, forgotten to be appreciated for their beauty in contrast to the green of spring.

They're the glow of leaves under the spring sunshine, the kind of green that catches your eye on an early morning, filled with a cool breeze that managed to make you feel warm inside

"Let's get out of here" she whispered before glancing at her friends that were trailing behind Lucifer

"What? And go where?" the blonde asked

"The garden" Luna grinned

"You want to ditch the devil just to go play in his garden?" Aelia chuckled

"Who said anything about playing?" Luna smirked

"Because I'll be the one playing with you" Aelia whispered

"I... God I missed this side of you" Luna chuckled and tugged the girl backwards

Her eyes glanced around the rooms to make sure no one spotted they were missing. Aelia's giggled trailed behind her girlfriend who pushed open a tall woodden door.

"Wow" Aelia whispered when her eyes landed on the the scenery

Around the castle were the horse pastures and kitchen gardens for the Amon family, and around that was a stone wall topped with iron spikes and guarded day and night due to the whole evil mother situation.

It was described as a formal garden. The cherry blossom trees lined the perfect lawn in their wooden boxes. In the centre there was a pond as large as a small lake with flowering lily pads and a wooden bridge that crossed the middle so you could look down at the koi carp. The flower beds were a riot of May colour and even on close inspection they were weed-free.

Aelia's feet kicked a few pink petals, giggling when they flew into the sky and brushed against her cheek

"You're so fucking cute, I can't stand it" Luna chuckled

"I'm yours aren't I?" Aelia said, using the girl's words against her

"That you are" Luna chuckled

Her hand swooped down and hooked Aelia's legs in her arms, lifting the girl up to her chest. Aelia squealed and threw her arms around her girlfriend's neck as Luna held her bridal style.

There in the centre of a million grassy wands stood the blossom tree, it's bark so patterned as if carved by it's own rain-born flash rivers. It stretched up, as if so proud to stand there under the sun in any weather. When she was younger, Luna was always captivated by it's beauty, it's green bounty and earthy browns, Luna would wish for it's peace and the wisdom to simply be what it was

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