Chapter 45

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Aelia's pov


Sometimes I wonder how my life led me to all of this. Then sometimes I think about my past and how one little decision made all of this happen.

This is to the old Aelia, thank you for coming to your senses and making the right decision to fall in love with this amazing girl

A smile stretched across my face and I shook my head as the thoughts of her raced through my mind.

"Watcha thinking about?" Luna whispered, her fingers intertwined with mine as her other hand pushed open the door of the building

The dark clouds reflected onto the mirrors of the tall building that reached up to the clouds, I knew it was going to rain today, hopefully it wouldn't affect our flight out of the country later. The interior was modern with a medevial touch to it, the white walls had etches carved to look like gods. My heels echoed against the grey marbled floor, my fingers brushed against the tight leather seats in the lounge

"You" I whispered, my eyes glanced into her green ones to see them twinkle in excitement

"Really?" she said in a squeaky voice, I chuckled and leaned my head against her shoulder

"Really baby, really" I whispered

"Well, I think about you alot too... Actually, you're all I think about" She chuckled

"really?" I asked

"Reallyyy" She giggled

The silver door to the elevator slid wide open and we both stepped in.

We were currently in the law firm that her and Maddy now owned, it was so special to be apart of this. Luna was now the CEO of Amon's law firm with her sister, she was overjoyed about running the company. Today she was gonna get settled in but we were all headed out to the airport right after.

Luna also allowed me to host my interview with this lady who applied for the manager's position for my career, Luna insisted on having the interview in her office, the least I could do was have her right there with me to help make the decision on if I should chose the woman to be my manager or not.

Luna's a big part of my life, she always was and she always will be. So it's only natural that she helped played apart in selecting the next person to organize my life.

First off, if this woman didn't get along with Luna then I'd kick her ass out the door.

Ain't nobody gonna fuck up my chances with the girl ever again.

And there's no way anyone's gonna control my life like that again.

Sadly, I still had to complete my end of the contract and attend Justin's movie debute. I'm sure he was overly pissed at the pictures of Luna and I being everywhere on the internet, holding hands or making out in the middle of public But can you blame me? She's hot and mine, I'm not scared to kiss my girlfriend in public now, especially since my heart is 100% hers.

Well it always was 100% hers, but I needed her to know that. I needed her to know that she means the entire world and underworld to me.

The doors to the elevator sealed shut, my eyes immediately wondered over the Luna's. The girl smirked but raised a questioning brow

I bit my lip as my eyes trailed over her body, her white buttoned up hugged her figure so perfectly, she had on a black blazer and trousers to complete her outfit. Her fingers playfully intertwined within her red tie and I tugged her forward, pulling her into me.

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