Cat Shouta

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Prompt: Squad vacation. Aizawa. Catnip. Lazer pointer
I gave it my best shot.


Fuck, where am I?


I jump up to find myself slightly woozy because I got up way too fast, but I snap out of it after taking a deep breath. I look around, and the first thing I notice is that I am in a hotel room. A very clean hotel room from what I see. Nothing stands out of place.

The second, and more vital thing, is that I see Shouta, Hizashi, and Nemuri knocked out on the floor.

I am not willing to admit that I am becoming nervous.

I walk over to Shouta and kick him lightly at the leg, "Wake up, Sh-" I considered using his name, but I don't know what's going on, and I'm not willing to throw us in a ditch.

Slowly, he groans as he looks up at me, "Kid, where the hell are we?"

"Bold of you to assume I know where we are. Wake him up." Shouta huffs as he goes to wake Hizashi up.

Meanwhile, I kick Nemuri awake, "Iz- what the hell, stop kicking me! I'm awake!"

"I'm bored," I mumble as I help her up reluctantly.

That's when the TV on the dresser turns on, "Hello everybody! It's me, Principal Nezu!"

I spin around faster than Ingenium can run to see Nezu on that stupid screen, "Oh shit, he's the UA traitor!"

"As Izuku will probably joke, I am not the UA traitor."

"Fuck, that's creepy." Logically, I hide behind Hizashi as he can blast the TV if needed.

"I would first like to apologize for using sleeping gas on Aizawa, Present Mic, and Midnight. Unfornutually, that did not work for Izuku, so I had to drug his food. You four overwork yourselves, so I decided to force you all on paid vacation! For the night, you are not allowed to work! You must relax and have fun. I brought multiple items that each of you to enjoy. If you break out, know that I will be forced to fire all of you. Now, have fun! Oh, and I made sure to have your room deep-cleaned, Izuku. Now later!"

The TV turns off, and the first thing I do is check all the doors and rooms. Of course, the rat locked everything. However, Nezu is right on that there is a variety of things to do. There is two bedrooms with a king-size bed in each, a living room/kitchen, and a bathroom.

Nezu had to do it tonight, huh? Whatever.

"Hey, Izuku! If it makes you feel any better, all the fridge and cabinets are stocked with food!" Hizashi hollers while I check sanitation.

"Fucking bless! I'll survive the singular night!" I praise as I come out to join them in the living room.

Nemuri purrs, "Don't be so dramatic, Izu. We all probably need it. You especially."

"I don't know what you're talking about," I mutter as I flop on the couch.

Shouta sighs, "You work the hardest out of all of us, and don't deny it because I have seen piles of files you have to go through and the calls you have to do. You're also a kid-"


"...teenager that usually does a lot of shit anyway. Either way, we all need this."

"Got it. I'm hungry, so I'm making dinner. Do what you want, " I state as I stand up.

Nemuri joins me in the kitchen," I'll help!"

What Nemuri means by help is she means that she is going to look through every cabinet while I actually fucking cook.

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