Child Izuku Without Memories

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Prompt: Izuku becomes a child completely.I'VE BEEN WANTING TO DO THIS FOR TWO WEEKS AT THIS POINT, AND I ALREADY LOST MY WORK TWICE!LET'S GET THIS SHIT DONE PLZ GODIzuku is seven in this since that's the age he becomes a little shit but still holds some child Izuku attributes.

Warnings: Angst and Fluff

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Third POV Shouta's POV

The one time Izuku gets hit with a quirk, his mom his out.

Shouta had no idea what to do with Izuku at this point. He cares for the kid, but he gets into trouble at the worst times. Since his mom is out, Shouta is in charge of making sure Izuku doesn't cause trouble or hurt himself.

As soon as he got that call from Recovery Girl, Shouta ended his class and started making his way to her office while hoping Izuku didn't get hit with anything too bad.

"MA'AM, YOU BETTER STEP THE FUCK AWAY OR WE GONNA HAVE SOME ISSUES!" A high-pitch voice screams from her office.

Shouta rushes into the room to find Recovery Girl at the end of the bed, and Izuku ready to fall off at any moment except he looks different. He's smaller.

Izuku looks at Shouta with distrust and anger he has never seen from him before, "Who the hell are you?!"

Izuku is a child, but he looks so different compared to how he usually dresses now. Instead of shorts and a t-shirt, he wears long sleeves and pants despite the warm weather. Gloves cover his hands, and a face mask does the same to hide his mouth and nose. The kid practically radiates emotions compared to Izuku.

"I'm Shouta-"

Recovery Girl interrupts to explain, "He doesn't remember anything besides what he would have as a child."

Izuku snarls, "You're bullshitting me again! That's m-my fucking doppelganger!"

Shouta sighs, nodding, "I'm Shouta. Believe it or not, we're close friends."

"I don't believe I would make friends with a trashbag."

This is going to be alot.

Shouta ended up having to call Inko to tell Izuku what is going on. Izuku seemed to take the message, though he hears him mumble about another person being gone.

If that wasn't a concern, he doesn't know what is.

The quirk effect wears off in 24 hours, so Recovery Girl tells Shouta to just bring Izuku with him and keep a close eye on him. Izuku follows hesitantly, looking around for an exit and fidgeting just as (if not more) than Izuku nowadays.

Shouta decides to take Izuku to the teacher dorms. As it turns out, Izuku does remember heroes that were popular during that time, so it's better if he's around them as he somewhat knows them compared to his class he has theoretically never met.

As soon as Izuku walks in after Shouta, they watch the small boy, shocked at how he looks.

Nemuri, logically, is the first to approach, "Hey, dear-"

"Midoriya," Izuku snaps, glaring at her.

She simply chuckles if off, "Such an aggressive boy. What got you in the mood, Midoriya?"

"T-that's none of your fucking business, now is it, hag!?" Midoriya states as he walks past her, looking a heartbroken Nemuri.

From a couple of interactions, Shouta sees what kind of kid Izuku is. Sure, he's still snarky and such, but it's different. He doesn't radiant confidence that he is used to from Izuku. If anything, he seems hesitant and is just forcing himself forward. He also notices small tics that he usually sees from a more shy kid. He became more withdrawn when Nemuri came here. He has a stutter (which seems to frustrate the boy everytime it happens) that is forcefully squashed down. He mumbles, though quickly cuts himself off.

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