UA Traitor

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Prompt: Izu finds the UA traitor and its Mic
This comes from my Discord server, and I think I got this. 
After Writing: I don't think I did it justice. Maybe I'll do a redo. For now, this is what I got done in the 30-minute mark.


This can't be right.

Fuck no.

Please no.

I rush through the papers, looking for any discrepancies.

There is none. Everything is on point.

I figured out who the UA traitor is, and I hate my final answer.


Fucking damn it. Why?

Why why why?


Fine. If life wants to give me these cards, I'll work with it.

I organize everything, shove them in the file, and make my way to Nezu's office.

When I arrive, I walk over to his desk and drop the file in front of him, "I found your UA traitor."

Nezu carefully opens the file, looks everything over, and nods, "We have enough to arrest him. I will bring in Detective Tsukauchi and the officers to arrest him."

"Got it, Rattata."

"This is going to cause chaos in the media."

"And lower your reputation more, but we got to do what we got to do."

"Correct, Izuku."


With Nezu on my shoulder, Detective Tsukauchi at my side, and two officers behind me, I walk into the teacher's lounge. When I find my victim, I point at him and say, "Arrest him."

The room goes deathly silent as the officers quickly go around me as they approach the hero and slap the quirk-suppressant cuffs on him.

Hizashi Yamada, Present Mic. Shouta's boyfriend, Nemuri's best friend, and my longtime idol is the UA traitor.

I keep my face clear of emotions as he is pulled in front of me, "Yamada Hizashi, you are being arrested based on evidence that you are the UA traitor."

I don't know what I expect from Hizashi. However, I see him give me a smile, "I knew you'd figure it out, kid." I hear Detective say true.

"Yamada, do you admit to being the UA traitor?"

"Yes." No reluctance. He just said it. I look at the Detective.

Detective Tsukauchi responds, "True. Send him away."

I watch Hizashi give us a final look that I can't decipher before he leaves. There's something more. Fuck. I'll look into that later. Nezu moves to Detective and leaves. I should follow, but I instead walk over to Shouta and Nemuri.

They both look bad.

"How did you figure it out?" Shouta asks in a monotone voice. I can't help but feel like shit because I got these two together. Now, his boyfriend is being shipped off to fucking prison.

"Sorry, Sho, but I had to do some underground digging. It took a lot of connections, but that's how I learned." He sighs.

Meanwhile, Nemuri seems pissed, and I can't blame her, "I can't believe he did this to us!" At least they believe in me. I can appreciate this.

"I looked multiple times for anything wrong, and I had Nezu look at it. Just know that I am here if you need someone to talk to."

"I need a few minutes to process this." Nemuri walks out, leaving me with Shouta.

"You good, Sho?"

Shouta takes a moment before nodding, " I just want to know why."

"Don't we all? I still have shit to do, so don't expect me until tonight."

"Got it. Be careful, kid." I nod, then leave.

Time to go face the music.

. . .

Life is a bitch.

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