Being you :)

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Let me start of by saying that you are just beautiful and i know that you probably read this like a hundred times already but YOU need to believe it. No matter what other people say, no matter how many times you say your ugly it won't change the way you look. 

You shouldn't be ashamed of what you look like because you are you and no one can take that away from you. Sure sometimes you say that your never going to get a boyfriend or a girlfriend but do not worry because someone out there is made just for you, you just have to be patient.

When you see another person that you think is way prettier than you don't compare yourself to them because doing that will only make you loose self confindence. You can try being like them to make yourself look better but deep down inside you know that it's not you. So don't try to be someone that your not just because you want to be more popular or more good looking because im pretty sure the way you look now is just as beautiful. 

Don't take this the wrong way or anything i'm just trying to make you guys love yourself more because that's what God intend us to do. By being yourself you don't have to go through all the lies, drama, crying and pain. If someone doesn't like you just because you are being yourself then just don't give two shits about them because they don't know jack. 

Trust me being yourself is the best thing that you could ever be, It's your life, your world, your own body don't let anyone take you away from yourself. 

I'm not saying that you shouldn't put makeup on or you shouldn't be dolled up for occasions what i'm trying to say is that don't change your personality just because someone told you to or because you think people will like you better if you change. Just be yourself. 

"Be the person you want to be and not the person someone else wants you to be."

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