Chapter 1

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Lanas POV

Ofcourse i was one of the first people Ashton told when he found out that him and his bandmates will be touring with One Direction. Im excited for them but im sad at the same time because im going to be losing my best friend who i have started to fall for. Im not going to tell him and throw all of this on him he leaves in two weeks to go on tour it could ruin our friendship forever if he don't feel the same. Thats why im telling Michael who i have become really close with the last couple months i tell him everything i know i can't tell Ash. Hes coming over in a couple hours i just hope i can find the guts to tell Michael and Ash not come over during the process considering he lives not even 5 minutes away from me.

Couple hours later Mikey shows up at my house i tell him to meet me in my room cause thats proably the safest place to tell him. I know its going to be awkward but i have to tell someone about my feelings for Ash. I started by telling Michael that it all started a couple weeks before he told me he was leaving we were laying on my bed listening to music like we always do and we fell asleep and i woke up with Ashtons arms wrapped around me and holding me tight and it just hit me that im actually falling for my best friend. The guy that I swore to myself I would not fall in love with no matter what cause it could ruin everything. His reaction was priceless he just looked me straight in the eyes and started laughing and screamed theres no fucking way your joking right .. And when he realized i was serious he just hugged me and let me cry in his sholder for hours it seems like.

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