Louis POV : Part 8

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The more time I spend with this girl, the more I know I definitely do not want to date her.  I can't even stand being around her.  I keep trying to call Harry to see when he will save me from this hell but he won't answer his phone.  I gave up on the batting cages 10 minutes ago and she is still in there, trying to show off probably.  I just want to go home.  I regret agreeing to coming out at all.

"How's everything going, Louis?" Harry asks as he makes his way towards me and sits down on the bench next to me.

"This is the worst idea you've ever had.  We have nothing in common," I say as I watch Jill swing at her last couple balls.  She steps out of the cage then takes off her helmet and puts it back on the hook and walks over to us.  "Is it time to go?" I ask, annoyed.

"I have to pee before we leave," Jill says.  Of course she has to pee, just delaying my going home.  She walks as slow as possible towards the bathroom.  As soon as she is out of sight I punch Harry in the arm.  "How can you possibly like this girl?  She's so annoying.  I can't believe you stuck me with her."

He rubs his arm where I punched him.  "Whatever you say."

"She probably is peeing on purpose knowing how much I want to go home," I pause, "Can't we just leave her here."

"What exactly has she done to get you in a huff?" he asks as he folds his arms over his chest.  I can tell by the smirk on his face that he is quite amused by my anger.  I don't think it's funny.

I think long and hard before answering.  "Well...I can't exactly name anything specific right now but...she's just annoying."

"Uh huh."

Before I can respond to his lack luster care for the fact that he has put me in this awful position and won't even acknowledge that it has put me in a worse mood than I came home with she comes back out of the bathroom and joins us.  We are finally able to go home and we walk to the car.  This time I sit in the front and she is in the back.  I keep seeing her reflection in the rear view mirror every few minutes and I can't help but stare.  I am not quite sure what I am staring at.  She's not even paying attention to what we are talking about.  She is just looking out the window.  I wonder what she is thinking about.

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