Jill POV : Part 9

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I can tell just by Louis's body language that he doesn't like me.  I don't know why.  Every time I try to be nice he just gets an attitude.  That's why I refuse to try to be nice to him any longer.  What's the point?  I am not going to be nice to someone who doesn't even care to try to be nice back to me.  He is childish and I don't need someone like that in my life.  I can't believe Harry thinks we are perfect for each other.  I don't even see us becoming friends.

I stare out the window thinking of all of the decisions I have made in my life to get me to this point.  Maybe I deserve to be as miserable as I am.  I know one thing, tomorrow I am going to tell Harry that I am going back home.  There is nothing for me here and I need to go back where I can start to pick up the broken pieces from my life.  It's just too uncomfortable for me to stay here.

"Isn't that right, Jill?" I hear Harry say.  I didn't even know he was talking to me.  I have been so deep in thought.

"Huh?  What?" I ask, embarrassed that he is going to have to repeat himself.  I hear Louis mutter something under his breath but I can't quite make it out.  Obviously it wasn't anything nice.

"I was telling Louis here how you played softball in college.  Tell him how good you were."

"Oh, yeah, right...I played softball in college," I say then go right back to looking out the window.  I can almost feel Louis judging me from the front seat.

"I am more of a football man myself," Louis says, almost bragging.  "You would know it as soccer."

"I know what football is," I snap.  I didn't really mean for it to come out that way but it did.

"Uh, let's listen to music," Harry says then turns on the radio.  He sings along with the music and tries to get Louis and me to join in with him but he is unsuccessful.  "I hope you guys snap out of this soon.  You're being real jerks."

"I'm going to move back..."  I pause because Louis looks back at me and we lock eyes, I get a little nervous. "...home...to Buffalo."  He quickly turns back around and faces front.

"Don't be silly.  You're staying with us.  It wouldn't be the same without you.  Right Lou?"  Louis doesn't respond.  "Right, Louis, we would love it if she stayed?"

"Right, don't go, stay," he says robotically.  Oh yeah, that really convinced me.  I don't bother saying anything more about it.  My mind is already made up.  I am going to start looking for flights back home tomorrow then this awful chapter in my life will be over.

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