Jill POV : Part 61

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I didn't hear the voicemail before I got the news.  I work in radio.  It's my job to report the news when it happens.  I didn't even have my phone with me.  I have to get a new one.   I dropped in a puddle yesterday and it's dead.  I should have phone numbers stored in a different place but I don't so I couldn't even call to make sure he was alright.  I did my best to get through the broadcast because all we knew at the time was the plane lost power and communication and that was it.  I honestly thought he was dead.

After my show I almost drove to Louis' mom's to see if she heard from him but immediately realized that is a crazy idea.  No need to worry her if he's fine.  Plus, nobody knows we are even talking to each other again.  As soon as I am off from work I rush to get a new phone.  I try not to over think things and assume the worst.  I can feel myself breaking down in the car as I drive.  "Pull it together!" I yell at myself out loud.  Someone in the lane next to me looks at me.  My windows are open.

As soon as they set up my phone for me I rip it out of the box and turn it on.  I don't care if it needs charging.  I am going to check my voicemail, texts, something, anything to show me a sign that they're ok.  As soon as it turns on messages and missed calls and voicemails come pouring in. I see that I have missed calls from Louis but I don't know when they are from.  I listen to my voicemail right away and I burst out crying once I hear the sound of his voice.  He's ok.  He's ok and he loves me.

I have lost track what country he is even in or what time zone he might be in  I am calling him and he better pick up.  When he answers I want to jump through the phone and hug him.  It's been so long.  "Never do that to me again," I say, "I thought you were dead."

"What? I called you right after.  I left a really bad voicemail."

"I know, I heard it.  My phone was broken and I thought you were dead and I'd never get to see you or talk to you again."  I try to pull myself together.  There is no need to be emotional.  He is fine. "I'm sorry.  I was just really scared."

"Well I'm here, babe.  No need to worry."

"Louis, about the voicemail you left..." I begin to say.

"I know, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have started out saying I almost died.  I was just freaked out," he starts to say.

"No I mean...I love you too.  I've been wanting to tell you for so long.  We have a lot to talk about when you get back but I am not going anywhere.  I'll be waiting right here for you.  Well not right here because I am in the parking lot of Starbucks, but you get the idea."  It feels really good to finally get that out.

He laughs at my Starbucks joke and I smile.  I love to make him laugh.  I feel like we are right back where we were besides the fact he's in some other country that I am not aware of.  "The end of the tour will be here before you know it then we will talk."

"How is everyone? After what happened I mean.  I'm sure it was scary."  I just want to keep him on the phone.  I don't want to let him go so soon.  It can't be easy going through something like that then having to go right on a plane the next day.

"Niall is a little shaken but we're good.  Listen, I gotta go, babe, we'll talk soon though."

"Ok, be safe."

We hang up the phone and I breathe a huge sigh of relief.  I text Harry to tell him I am so happy they're ok.  It's good to have my phone back.  I felt a little lost without it. I catch up on missed texts and phone calls before I head home.  All this excitement has left me so exhausted so I know once I get home I am going to pass out as soon as I hit the pillow.   I finish up and head home with a smile on my face.  It's the first time I have felt this good in so long.

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