Louis POV : Part 22

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I can't believe I let Harry talk me into drinking this much.  The girls who we have been talking to are starting to annoy me.  They're fun and nice but I think they're looking to hook up.  Harry doesn't really want that either but he's having more fun talking to them than I am.  I make an excuse to walk away and I find a place at the bar that I can finish watching the game from.  Harry is not far behind me.  "You don't like them?" He asks.

"No, not really."  I begin to look around and notice more and more eyes are starting to turn on us.  "Maybe we should go."  I am drunk enough where I know I won't be drinking anymore and I am starting to think we are being recognized.

"I shouldn't drive," Harry says.  I think he's worse off than me but I am in no shape to drive either.

"I can't either."  We could always walk home but I know Harry wouldn't want to leave his car here.

"I'll have Jill come get us."  He takes out his phone and gives her a ring. "Can you come get us?  My car is here and we are both hashmered."

While Harry talks to Jill those girls found us and are trying to talk to me but I can't hear what they're saying.  We walk outside to wait for Jill.  "Did you just say hashmered?" I ask then start cracking up.

Harry joins in my laughing.  "I think so."

While we laugh hysterically over something that probably wouldn't be that funny if we weren't drunk a group of people start to crowd around us.  People start to ask to take pictures with us.  Harry has no problem taking pictures with whoever but I keep trying to look out for Jill.  I have to get out of here.

Once she sees us she grabs my hand and pulls me through the crowd that is growing increasingly rowdy.  She asks for Harry's keys and we run to the car.  Once we get in the car and get driving she gives us water.  That is so sweet.  Harry says something about a wife which is funny to me and I say "thanks, babe."  It kind of just slipped out but she doesn't seem to have a problem with it.

What a great friend she is to come pick up us two drunk idiots.  What would she think if she found out we were flirting with girls tonight? Then she had to come save our asses.

When we get inside Harry plops down on the couch and is giggling to himself.  Jill sits down in the kitchen and I join her.  She looks me right in the eyes and it makes me nervous.  It's like she's trying to look into my soul.  "Something on your mind, love?" I ask, obviously I had some liquid courage tonight.  In my right mind I would not be calling her those names.  At least I didn't call her my wife.

"Nothing," she says coyly.  I look right back into her eyes.  There's something there that she won't let me see.

"Kiss her!" Harry yells.  He is watching us, hanging over the back of the couch.  I can tell Jill is embarrassed and I am a bit too.

"I am going to shower then head to bed.  Behave yourself, Harry."  I figure I should leave the room before it gets more awkward.  Who knows, in this state I might just kiss her.  Did I say that?

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