Jill POV : Part 19

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I am having such a good time talking with Louis that I don't even realize how long we have been sitting here.  All of a sudden I see out of the corner of my eye sunlight shining into the room through the blinds. "Were you guys up all night?" Harry asks, scratching his head and trying to wake up.  Is it really morning?  I look at the clock, it's 8am.  Louis and I just look at each other and laugh.  We really sat here talking all night.

"I guess we were," I say, "I guess it's time for bed, huh?"  Louis nods his head yes.  I stand up and walk into Harry's room.  I fall asleep almost immediately after my head hits the pillow.

Because Louis and I stayed up all night last night our sleep schedule is all screwed up.  I've been taking naps to try to get back to normal.  Harry isn't making it easy.  He keeps coming in to where ever I am sleeping, whether it is on the couch or his bed, and messing with me.  He likes to play with my hair and I absolutely hate when he does it but of course he knows that.

Eleanor keeps calling and texting Louis and I pretend not to notice but I find myself trying to listen to what he's saying.  That girl is messing with his head and he doesn't deserve that. I'm not saying she's doing it on purpose but that doesn't mean she's doing the right thing.  They're probably going to get back together. The thought of it makes me a little sick to my stomach.  How pathetic am I? Right now I am on the couch pretending to be asleep so I can listen to Harry and Louis talk.

"Is that her again?" Harry asks after Louis's phone goes off for the hundredth time today.  "You need to just turn it off.  It's not right."

"I'm trying to ignore her but it's hard." I hear him pick up his phone and begin typing on it.

"What about Jill?" Harry whispers, probably just remembering I am in the room.

"She's cool.  I'm just not sure what I want right now," Louis replies in an equally annoying whisper.

"You need a distraction.  We should go out tonight."  If my eyes were open I'd be rolling them.  Going out and drinking is not going to solve anyone's problems.

"Yeah, I'll get dressed and we'll go out."  I hear Louis's footsteps walking away and into his room.

All of a sudden I feel a hand on my shoulder shaking me a bit.  I open my eyes my see Harry's face very close to mine.  I push him away.  "A little close there, H," I say.

"Louis and I are going out tonight.  You should get out of the house too.  Not with us, of course, it's guys night out."  He smiles a mischievous smile and I just shake my head.

"Maybe I'll go out to find myself a one night stand."  Of course I don't mean that but it's fun to get a rise out of him.  Maybe he will tell Louis and he'll get jealous. Why do I want Louis to get jealous?

"Please don't do that."  Before I can respond Louis comes out.  "Don't wait up.  And don't do something stupid.  You know what I'm talking about."  If Harry thinks he can tell me what to do he is highly mistaken.

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