Jill POV : Part 63

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I can't believe I am about to interview One Direction on my show.  Things between me and the fans have not been great since the breakup.  I don't even have any questions prepared.  Louis says he will take care of everything but that scares me.  I have no idea what he has planned to do or say.  It was nice to hear from him but I wish it wasn't under these circumstances.  I talk to these guys all the time but for some reason I am nervous.  I don't do too many interviews and as I said, I am not prepared.

I have to do the news before  I can got to them and I can't even concentrate.  I mention a story about Prince Harry and a few other things that aren't as important as the fact that I have Louis and the guys on hold waiting to be interviewed by me.  I give my producer a panicked look before going to the phone line.  He just gives me a thumbs up.

"We have a very special treat for you all today.  This was a last minute thing but I have some people on the line you might recognize.  They're just about to wrap up their world tour.  You can watch their full performance tonight online.  I will have that website for you at the end of the interview.  Everyone welcome to the show One Direction." I can't believe this is about to happen.

"Hey!" they all say in unison.

"Tell me what it's been like traveling around the world.  you've been to so many new countries that you haven't been to before.  Were the fans just as receptive as other countries you've toured in?"  It's amazing I am able to pull these questions out of my ass.

"We have had so much fun traveling to so many new countries.  The fans are always amazing no matter where we go," Liam answers.

"What do you think of tonight's concert being broadcast all over the internet?" As they answer my producer runs into the studio and hands me some hand written questions.

"It's really great  that we are able to do this.  This way we can reach even more fans that maybe didn't get the chance to see us on tour," Harry says.

I quickly read over the questions handed to me while Harry talks.  "You've been away from home so long.  What is some things you're looking forward to being home?"  I roll my eyes at the generic question.  That's something anyone would ask.

"Being with our family and friends," Zayn replies, "It'll be good to see them and spend time with them."  I thought Louis would have answered that one.  He's the one who asked for this interview.

"Making up for lost time," Louis chimes in.  "I am looking forward to begging for forgiveness of someone I should never have broken up with in the first place."  The guys all say aww at the same time and I can feel my face get flushed.  My cheeks are red hot with embarrassment.  I don't even know how to go on from there.  Do I say something back or continue?

"Well I'm sure she'll be forgiving."  I pause for a moment and continue.  "Anyway, have a good time tonight and a safe trip home.  Don't forget that you can all watch the One Direction concert tonight online.  Thanks for calling in."

"Thanks for having us," they all say.

I put them on hold and go to commercial.  I pick up the line hoping Louis didn't hang up.  "Louis?"

"I'm here."

"Did I do ok?  Sorry it was so short.  I have to get all of these commercials in."  I could have interviewed them all night.  It was great to hear all of their voices again.  I miss them all.

"You were perfect.  Ill talk to you later.  We have to go."

"Bye Louis."

We hang up and my producer comes in.  The phones are blowing up.  My producer has to hop on the phones and help the screener screen all of the calls.  Most callers want to talk about the interview.  For the rest of the show we take as many calls as we can about One Direction and their tour and the interview.  Of course most of them want to know about what Louis was talking about but I try to avoid those questions.

After work I rush home so I don't miss any of the concert.  It's so good to see them on stage having a good time but it makes me happy to know that soon they will be home and resting.  I will get to see Louis after all this time and we can work on fixing our relationship.  I don't exactly know when he is getting home but I hope that when he does we can spend as much time together as we can.  I've missed him and I am glad he still wants to make it work after all this time.

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