Jill POV : Part 21

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He's probably charming the skirts off of what ever girls Harry decides they're going to go after tonight.  I can't just sit on this house and stew about what I think is happening.  I need to get out and get my mind off of things.  Knowing Harry and his habits I know exactly where they went so I know where to avoid.  On second thought, it really is too much work to get all sluted up to go out.  A night lounging on the couch sounds a lot more comfortable at this point.

For some reason I got the crazy idea to tell my mom about everything that happened with Henry.  She just about started looking for plane tickets to come out here.  I don't even think it would be to see me, I think she wants to beat up Henry.  I'm sure she could do it too.  Her next question was "you're not living with that boy band, are you?"  Yes,mom, I am living with all 5 of them.  She has met Harry before, she just doesn't trust him...or any man really.  She did ask if he was "the one who sleeps with everyone" I corrected her right away and told her she'd be happy I haven't had sex in 3 months.  That horrified her enough to drop the subject.

I've been sitting here watching the clock waiting for the guys to come home.  Every minute that goes by I think of another scenario which usually ends with them screwing a room full of girls.  I know that's not what's going on but I can't help thinking the worst.  I probably should have gone out tonight so I wouldn't be torturing myself like this.  I need more friends or something.

It's so quiet in the house that when my cell phone goes off it startles me. "What's up, Harry?" I say, a little annoyed.

"Can you come get us?  My car is here and we are both hashmered," he says loudly.  He is slurring and I can hear giggling girls in the background, which makes me want to leave them there.  I'm not even going to make fun of the fact he said hashmered.

"Yeah I'll be there in a few."

I don't even know why they drove.  The bar is not that far away.  It's about a 10 minute walk.  I've never been around Louis drunk so I don't know what to expect with him but I do know what Harry will be like, sloppy and hilarious. He doesn't drink very often so when he does he goes all out.  On the way there I stop somewhere really quick to get them each a bottle of water.  When I get close to the bar I see them standing outside with a group of people around them trying to get their attention.  Oh great.  I walk over to them and grab Harry with one hand and Louis with another and pull them through the crowd. "Give me your keys," I say as we start to jog to Harry's car.

We practically have to dive into the car to get away from the fans who followed us.  I turn on the car and carefully back out of the spot and maneuver out of the parking lot.  "That was fun!" Harry exclaims.

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourselves."  I throw the bottles of water to the back.  "Here, drink these."

"You're the best wife," Harry says as he attempts to open the bottle.  "I can't do it."

"Yeah thanks, babe," Louis chimes in.

The rest of the way home the guys giggle in the back seat and I have to go the long way home in case one of the fans follows us.  We get home and the guys stumble inside and I'm not far behind them.  When we get inside I try to get a good read on them.  Did they do anything with any girls tonight?  I can't tell.  Maybe it's better I don't know.

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