Jill POV : Part 15

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It's a little hard to believe that I am sitting in a taxi right now instead of on a plane heading to Buffalo.  I don't even know if it's the better choice but I think I would kick myself if I got home and all I would wonder is "what if?"  So here I am in a taxi on the way back to Harry and Louis's.  I haven't even told either of them I am coming back.  I think it would be more fun to make it a surprise.

The taxi pulls up to the house and pops the trunk open.  As I am grabbing my suitcase from the trunk I see the door open and someone running out.  It's a girl but I can't tell who it is.  I wonder if I have come at a bad time.  The girl seems to be a little upset.  I roll the suitcase up to the door and ring the doorbell.  Harry answers the door and his eyes grow wide once he sees me.  "Oh hey, Jill."  I thought he would be a little more happy to see me.

"Nice to see you too, Harry," I say sarcastically.  "Is everything ok?  It looks as if you've just seen a ghost."

He grabs my suitcase out of my hand and we walk inside.  I follow him into his bedroom.  "Eleanor was here."

"Oh," is all I can say.  That must have been who I saw.  I feel so stupid.  I should never have come back.   Of course he was going to get back with her.  He's in love with her.

"She kissed him," he says in a low voice.  I think he doesn't want Louis to hear that he's talking about it.  My heart sinks.  For some reason hearing that bums me out a bit.  "But he told her to leave.  It was really...awkward.  You should have been here."

"No thanks.  I'm good," I say as I sit down on his bed and he sits next to me.

"So you're back!  What changed your mind?  Did you realize that you're madly in love with me?" he jokes.

"Yup that's definitely the reason.  Louis actually texted me so...I sorta...decided to come back."

He gets a huge grin on his face.  "I knew it.  You like him and he likes you and you're going to be together."

"Slow down, none of that is happening."

"You're still trying to fight the fact you guys were meant for each other?  You came back for him."  For some reason Harry is just really excited about the thought of me and Louis together.  He is so weird.  "You're growing up so fast!"  He hugs me and kisses me on the cheek.

"I'm older than you, genius," I say not realizing Louis has been standing in the doorway.  I finally spot him out of the corner of my eye and actually feel my face getting hot.  Am I blushing?  "So I came back."  Duh, captain obvious.  He can see that you're back.

"Good."  There is a few moments of awkward silence.  "Welcome home."  He leaves.  I don't know what to make of him.  Is he happy I am here or did I ruin his plans or something?

"Promise you'll name your first born after me," Harry says and I smack him on the arm.  That's not even funny.

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