Jill POV : Part 41

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I have to admit, at first when my mom was here I was a little frustrated with her but now I am glad she's here.  I'm sure it would have been a little lonely without her.  It's Christmas Eve, Louis's birthday.  I've already talked to him on the phone once today but for some reason I am missing him more than usual.  It's been a tough 2 weeks so how am I going to handle them being away for 8 months.  I'm trying to keep myself busy so my mom doesn't sense something is up.  I bought a little fake tree to set up in the living room.  My mom and I are decorating it.

"You don't have to keep things from me, you know," my mom says, I can tell she was reluctant about saying it.  She's hiding on the other side of the tree.

"I just don't want to worry you."  That's partially true but there is so much more.  My mom and I don't have the best relationship in the world.  We used to fight a lot, especially during my teens.

"You worry me when you don't talk to me.  You should have told us about Henry."

"Why?  So you could tell me all the bad decisions I've made?  No thank you."

She sighs.  "I'm sorry if I've made you feel that way.  I just want the best for you and Tommy."  Tommy is my brother.  "He worries about you, you know."

"He shouldn't.  He has enough to worry about, with school and everything."  Tommy just started college in the fall semester.  He is playing soccer for them.

"He wanted to come but I wasn't sure how this would go.  You should come home."  I knew she would try something like this.  Bringing up my brother, knowing how close we are, then asking me to come home.  She has a lot if nerve.  In trying to stay calm.  No need to overreact.

"I have a life here, mom," I say as I put the last ornament on the tree and sit down on the couch.

"Some life,  they didn't even clear a room for you.  You're stuck out here living on a couch."

"That was my choice.  I won't be staying here much longer.  I am getting my own place."

"You could come back with me and go back to school.  That's the life you should be having.  You should be close to your family."  This is not the way I wanted this to go.  Things were nice.  I thought she had changed.

"I have family here too."  I am trying not to raise my voice or get into an argument with her but she needs to know she cannot run my life.  I will live with the decisions I have made.

"Those boys are not your family."  I am so close to buying her a plane ticket and shoving her out of the door.

"You don't know what you're talking about, mom, they take care of me."

"They don't really care about you.  They're just after one thing."  I can't believe she just said that cliche bullshit.

"When did you say you were leaving?  I don't know how much more I can stand.  You're stressing me out."

"I don't mean to.  I just want the best for you."

I roll my eyes.  "I know what's best for me and it's right here."

She doesn't respond for a few seconds.  It feels like forever.  She's probably thinking of a come back.  I am honestly exhausted of her visit.  I wish she would just leave.  "You love one of them, don't you?"

"Mom, please, I don't want to talk about it."  Now I'm starting to get uncomfortable.

"Now I get it.  That's all you had to say."  She just sits there and looks at me with a grin on her face.

"I'm in love with Louis," I burst out, "ok, are you happy?"  Holy crap, did I just say that out loud?

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