3 years later...

78 1 3

Sooooo, long time no speak my fellow camren fans. I have managed to find out my email and password for wattpad and have got my account back! Now if there is anyone out there who is still wanting to read any new updates then do not hesitate to drop me a message, or a comment on this part and I will. I feel so bad leaving you guys who have been reading this in the dark and I have found my old draft page for this fanfic so I have so many ideas on how to finish this off. I would need to re-read everything first just so that I have an idea on what is going on but I am more than happy to finish this story off to say that I have completed it. The fact I have a story half written has really been lingering over me for the past 3 years so i think i need to finish it, even if it isn't how I intended. 
Life is good at the minute, Im doing so well in my job and college, dont get me wrong a full time job and college is hard work, especially because i have to teach myself currently due to corona but I am getting there. 
I hope you guys are all doing well. I miss this fandom so much, take me back to the fangirl days, everything was so much easier!!
but yeah, drop a comment or a message if you would like me to continue with this story, I know there are still some die hard camren fans out there.

Love you all xxx

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