A Special Girl

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What makes a fairy tale? The happily ever after, that makes children and adults smile a like? Maybe, but maybe not.

Since birth everyone is born with one goal in the end, death. What happens in between the beginning, life and the ending, death is up to them. What you do is up to you, how you live, how you love. But what if it wasn't?


The story starts with a boy, not a happy little boy, but a young boy. His life filled with pain, and heartbreak. He was born with a curse, not being fortunate enough to live a good and happy life. Starting out with a mother and father but ending alone. See this boy was set on becoming a monster, to all those who laid eyes on him. He wasn't ugly, but too beautiful. People were cruel to this boy and would make his life a living hell. He hid it well but would still cry when he would get home. 

Because of his beauty he was made fun of and hated by the other boys. One in particular hated him, the girl he liked didn't feel the same. He blamed it on the boy she did like, he bullied him to the point were his parents had to make him stop going to school. The poor beautiful boy, never seen as a human. Until one day.........

 A girl was humming and walking along the sidewalk, it was bright out with the morning sun. It rained the night before and puddles spotted the road. She was humming a song and swinging her arms. Her red jacket was as long as her knees and her boots stomped the puddles. The boy was on the same sidewalk but going the opposite way. He was just about to pass her when she fell, he stopped and turned to her. But she didn't cry, only patted her leg and bit her lip. She stood up and smiled at him before nodding and continuing on her path. Curious he followed her.

She walked around the park and jumped in every puddle she could, a smile spread across her face. She danced in the puddles not caring if she was being seen and not caring about getting wet. He went up to the girl and tapped her arm.

"Are you okay? Why are you dancing in the puddles? Your parents will get mad at you!" He scolded her. She shook her head and smiled, she slowly stopped moving.

"I don't care. If I let my parents and family hold me back from the things I love, I  will never move forward. Dance with me?" She held out her hand, the boy looked at it for a moment before looking back up to her. He shook his head and took some steps back, he ran, not wanting to get yelled at by his mom. She frowned but didn't go after him. 

Years later, he was now eighteen year old and no longer  seven. No longer a boy ruled by fear but regret. He still was a beautiful child but his father and mother were no longer together, he now lived with his father. After that day, the day he met the weird little girl, he thought about her. About what she said to him, he wondered about what she meant and what would have happened if he hadn't ran away.

"I'm going out!" He yelled to his father who was working in his room.

"Be back before dark!" His father yelled back. The young man left and started his way to his job that he never told his father about. 

His father struggled with making money and always worked, knowing that he decided to help out and pay some of the bills. The job was at a local gas station and he could choose his hours.  He attracted a lot of customers and even talent scouts. Only because of his looks, he was miserable but never showed that he was. 

He was sitting behind the counter when a customer came in. He stood up and greeted her, out of boredom. She only nodded back and walked behind an aisle. She was about his age and she was pale and had black hair. He watched her curious about what she would do. A moment later she came out and walked to the counter, she set down a bag of chips.

He smiled to her, she gave him an annoyed looked and took out her wallet. He tilted his head slightly annoyed and scanned the item. 

"It's $4.40." He said plainly, she took out the cash and left after grabbing the bag of chips. 

He watched her leave still curious about her. She got into a car and left. He sighed and rubbed he head. He sat down once more and started to read a book. But he couldn't stop thinking about her. She was wearing a black dress and her hair was in a ponytail, the ends of it curled. She was wearing heels. Her make up was just eyeliner and a deep red lipstick. But the thing that stuck the most with him was the feeling of her eyes. They felt dead, like they were not in a living person. He shook his head trying to stop thinking of her. After his shift  he waited for the next person and went home when they came.

His father was sleep and in bed. He walked into his room quietly, he counted the money he should've earned from this last shift and wrote it down. The night went by fast, the next day he did the same thing. He had to go to school on Monday, so he took an early shift.

Once more people came to see him and tried to make him a 'star' even though he told them no. Then that girl walked in, her clothes no longer a black color but just a pair of shorts and a tee. Her hair was still up and her face was bare. She was still as beautiful as before, he thought. Her eyes still as cold but she no longer looked as intimidating as before.

She slowly walked around the store and grabbed some food. She then walked over to him, she sat the items down and watched him scan them one by one. Her eyes never leaving him, unlike before he didn't mind her staring at him. He didn't mind but when anyone else looks at him he wants to run away. He slightly smiled and looked up for a second she didn't move.

"Am I that handsome?" He joked but she didn't laugh nor smile. She slowly shook her head.

"No, you look weird. Like something is wrong with you." She tilted her head trying to look at him better, he backed up slightly. He was surprised at her comment but relieved.

"I need to go soon." She pointed to the food she set down and he snapped out of it. And started scanning again.

"Sorry." He awkwardly smiled and told her the total, after she left. He felt happy that she didn't find him attractive. He went home smiling and then studied until night fall. 

The next day was school and he went, just like every other kid. He was in his last year and was ready to end his high school life and go to college. He had no friends due to him not trusting people and wasn't planning on making any. It was the middle of the year and the teacher had told them that they would have a new classmate. He was a boy who got along with everyone. He was cheerful and gave off a good vibe, so he stayed away from him. After class he left to go to his locker, he walked past her  the girl he found to be special. He watched her pass him, but the new kid came and started to talk to him.

"Is that your girlfriend? She's pretty, why don't you talk to her?" His arm around his neck.

"No, she isn't. I have to go, excuse me." He took the boy's arm off him and walked a little before that boy yelled to him, catching everyone off guard.

"I heard that you do that? Are you afraid of people? Or is it that you think that you are better than us?" He yelled and walked to him. The new boy got everyone's attention a made everyone turn to watch.

"Neither. And I haven't said nor done anything to offend you, unless you are the type of person who gets offended at everything." He took a step forward. 

"Wow! I didn't think he was so cool!" A girl mumbled, others started to whisper and talk. He sighed and turned around to walk away.

"I see! You don't like attention! I'll make sure the spotlight never leaves you." He turned around and stormed off. 

"They never are kind. Not even my name..." He sighed and walked home. Being alone is a painful thing for him but he likes it at the same time.

Soon after someone knocked at the door. He got up and walked to see who it was. After opening the door he saw the girl from school.

"Would you like to know me?" She asked, her hand stuck out and a small smile across her lips.

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