The Blood Doesn't Stop

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He woke up to the alarm, it was to wake him up for work. But the time was off, it was 6 when it should have been 6:30.  He looked to his side only to see Aviana gone. He laid back down until he heard some talking in the kitchen.

"I hope you like this, Mr. Moore! My mother used to make it for me!" She put some on his plate. He smiled and thanked her. 

He then sat down at the table. Adonis walked out and walked up to her. She was still cooking, he back hugged her. She was wearing his clothes, they were much bigger than her and one shirt was more like a dress on her.

"Hey." His voice came out bumpy and groggily. She smiled and leaned into him.

"Hey, go change and your breakfast should be done by then." He hummed and let go of her. After a few more minutes he came out. She sat his plate in front of him.

"Eat up, you have work." She stated, His father was just finishing, as he also had work.

"I'll leave you two alone! I gotta go! See you later Adonis, Aviana!" He waved and ran out the door. They laughed at him rushing out.

"I can call in sick if you want?" He ate a bit of food.

"You know you shouldn't do that. Adonis, we need to talk." He looked up, his eyes slightly wide.

"That's not good, is it?" He asked putting down his fork.

"Adonis, I'll be leaving in a month to study abroad. My father called and told me this morning. I will have to leave at that time, I just would like you to know. I just wanted you to know before our time is almost up." She told him, he stood up. He looked at the clock.

"I-i have to go. We'll talk more about this later." He grabbed his coat and left. Aviana set down her fork, slightly upset. She then packed up the food and put it away, and washed the dishes.

The time it takes Adonis to walk to work is usually twenty minutes but it only took seven to get there today. He walked in and sat behind the counter, his mind was on what Aviana had told him not that long ago. He was angry and confused but mostly hurt. He knew this was coming but he didn't think it would hurt this much. He didn't think about actually caring for her or her changing the amount of time he spent with his father. 

He didn't know that she could change so much, do so much in such little time. He was scared to be alone again, to have his father not spend as much time with him, to not have a friend. 

Aviana was leaving his place when she got a call from her father.

"Aviana, listen. You will be going to London at the end of the month. I have booked the flight and I have gotten you a place to stay. Make sure to bring as little as you can. That's all." He hung up. She dropped her arm from her ear and turned off her phone. She walked to her car and got in. She went home and spent the rest of the day sleeping. 

At school Adonis tried to find her but couldn't. She didn't come to pick him up. He waited outside of her classes but she never showed up. He walked to the park where she first took him to get ice cream. She wasn't there. Adonis was mad and worried. The little time they had left and she wasn't anywhere to be found.

After waiting for an hour a girl came the ice cream booth. She was wearing a black dress and platform heels. Adonis walked over to her. 

"Aviana?" The girl didn't react and instead ordered one more ice cream. She then turned around, Aviana picked the ice creams up and give one to him.

"Yes?" She sat down the bench, he followed but didn't sit.

"Did I do something wrong?" He asked not yet  eating his ice cream. She pointed to it.

"You should eat it before it melts." She took a bite of hers.

"Don't ignore my question, Aviana. Did I something wrong?" He asked again this time more demanding.

"No, you reacted like a fool. But never the less, you didn't do anything wrong. Adonis, how did you think this was going to end?" She stood up very close to him.

"I-i don't know. I mean I knew you were going to leave but not this soon..." He stumbled on his words. She smirked, and took a step back.

"I don't have much to do with my father but when I do, I always listen." She turned around and started to walk slowly one foot in front of the other. He followed behind.

"He pays for my living and everything I buy, I'm an investment to him. I don't mind though, I know what my mothers death did to him. Everyone saw what it did to the both of us. So you see, I must do everything he tells me to do. I wouldn't want him to think me a waste of space." She stopped walking and turned to him.

"Adonis, you are an investment, my investment. I want to see you happy and grow, try not to think about the past but the future. Even when I'm gone." She smiled and patted his back. She left him there, alone in the park.

When she got home, blood started to pour out of her nose, but she ignored it. Memories too painful to bare alone, started to flood her mind. She drank some beer, to numb the pain but it didn't work. The things she wanted to forget were rushing at her like a  car . She took a moment to sit down before the pain would really get to her. This would happen everyday, since her mother died. Twelve years of baring a pain to horrible all alone.

The  times this would change but she could tell before it happened. The blood on her hands reminded her of how she saw her mother, laying on the ground. The door bell rang as well as some pounding to the door.

"Aviana I know your in there! I just want to talk, please? It's me! Come on, you know me!" Adonis kept pounding on the door, to stop him she let him in. When he saw her he ran to her.

"What happened? Aviana you lost so much blood! I'll call 911!" he reached for her home phone, she stopped him.

"You're not the only one with a curse." She chuckled before blacking out.

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