Lilith Park

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I turned over, I wanted to be alone. I didn't want her to see me like this. I knew it would break her heart.

"Hey, we are in this together." She climbed over me, and turned me to look at her. She was sitting on my lap.

"Aviana..." I tried to gently push her off but she wouldn't move.

"No. This time you let me in." She leaned down and kissed me. I wanted to push her off, but at the same time I didn't. She confuses me, and messes with me. More than I like, she can make me smile when I feel sad and make me sad in a moment. 

"Avi." She kissed me again to stop me from talking.

"Yeah, Lulu?" She whispered while kissing me.

"Stop." I whispered but she didn't make it known if she heard. 


I woke up the next morning, in the living room. On the couch, the light in my eyes. Aviana came out and walked up to me.

"I hope you're happy." She threw some clothes to me, and walked away.

I sighed, a slight chuckle in it.

"Thanks!" I yelled to her, she flipped me off.

I went to my room and took off my shirt. I started to strip, when I noticed scratches along my side. I looked closer and called Adonis.

"What's up dude?" He asked and came in.

"Do you see these?" I asked and pointed to them, he looked at where I was pointing and nodded.

"Are you trying to brag right now? I'm sure Aviana will be pleased by that." 

"No, we didn't do anything last night. And I know she didn't scratch me. I woke up with these." He came closer and looked at them.

"They look deep." He lightly touched them. I winced.

"Sorry. I'll call Lee to take a look." I nodded and he called her.

"Yeah, they looked pretty bad." 

"Yep, ok. See you soon." He hung up.

"She's on her way." 

"So about James birthday being canceled?" He asked and sat on my bed.

"I have no idea. He just canceled, it's not like him but he won't talk about it so." I shrugged. James canceled last minute last week, none of us know why.

"Sorry! I'm here!" Lee burst in.

"It's fine." She came up to me, she looked at my abs for a moment then looked up to me.

"Really?" She asked surprised and pointed to them. I laughed.

"Really." She nodded and put a thumbs up.

"Damn. What did you do?" She asked once she saw the scratches.

"I woke up with them." 

"They don't look new, maybe like a week old? Anything you know that could have caused that?" 

"No-" I remembered when Avina caught me. She could have cut me then.

"Maybe. But I'm not sure." 

"Well, they looked clean so your good. Just make sure they don't open." I nodded and put my shirt on. They left and I finished getting ready.

"I'm going to walk to work today." I waved bye. After getting to work I had my secretary come in.

"I have a Ms. Park for you." 

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