Games Are For Children

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Aviana ran up the stairs to Adonis's room. He was playing some video games, trying to keep his mind off things. When he heard her screaming for him, he dropped his controller. 

"Adonis." She walked into his room, he turned to her.

"Who do you think I belong with you, or Luca?" She asked as she sat down, he shrugged.

"Luca." He turned his whole body to her, she nodded.

"See? Both of you are weird. Adonis do you love me? Or even like me?" She leaned to him a bit, he didn't move.

"I have no idea. I mean I like you, but a person should always like who they stay with." He shrugged again, she face palmed.

"So you don't like me as a girl?" She asked again, trying to get a straight answer.

"I like you, and you are a girl. So I guess I do?" He rubbed his chin, she sighed.

"No, do you like me like romantically?" He sighed.

"Why do you ask?" He turned back to his games, she groaned.

"Because I need to know what's up with you two! Did you both fall out of love with me? Because you two keep shipping me with each other! I have a say in who I fall for right?" She yelled, he turned back to her.

"And who is that?"  She looked down to him.

"L-y-I have no idea. I still have some feelings for you but not as much as Luca but at the same I don't have feelings for him. He's stupid and arrogant! He talks like he would give me the world! And he is kind and loving and has stayed by my side. He has never given up on me and yet he just did." She slightly cried, he smiled a bit.

"Sounds like you love him, did you tell him how you feel?" She nodded.

"Just barely, but he rejected me! After years he gave up when you came into the picture!" Adonis sighed and stood up.

"Tell him that I have pulled out of the race. He can be with you, without my feelings being hurt." He smiled and smoothed out her hair. She nodded and smiled.

"Thank you." She hugged him a bit before leaving, he sat on the bed. He stared at his hands.

"What have I just done?" He whispered to himself. She ran down the stairs and into the kitchen. Luca was there, still making food for everyone.

"You ready to eat? Did you call Adonis down?" He turned to her. She kissed him, he stopped moving.

"Did you feel anything from that?" She asked, he looked away.

"No." He walked past her, his mood no longer a happy one.

"You should eat, I'll go get James and Adonis." He was about to leave when she stopped him.

"He gave up. He said that he's pulling out of the race, that I should be with you." Aviana smiled up to him, still his expression stayed the same. Slightly more angry.

"That's not the problem, Avi. Let me go." He spoke calmly but fire in his eyes. He was holding back, she could see it. But she wanted to know why, so she didn't let go.

"Just listen to me this once!" He raised his voice, she wanted to let go but stood her ground.

"Why? Why can't we be together?" She raised her voice, knowing that it would blow his top, and it worked.

"We aren't meant to be! Can't you see that? Why have you just fallen for me? Because I gave up? Do you even love me or are just doing that to keep me interested? Aviana, we get together and something bad could happen, Adonis is waiting for you. If you won't let me go, you go." She was holding onto his arm, he jerked his arm. It made her stumble in front of him, he turned around.

"No, you don't want me to give up. I know you better than anyone! You don't mean those words." She whispered and ran up the stairs, afraid to hear his reply.

"You're wrong, I do mean this." He whispered and went to the kitchen again. 

Adonis was still sitting on his bed, looking at his hands. Remembering things from his past. When she opened the door, he turned to her and put a smiled on his face.

"Adonis." She walked in and sat by him. She started to cry, he hugged her.

"What's wrong?" He asked and shushed her a bit, so she would stop crying.

"He said that he won't be with me. That he can't be with me." She cried more.

"Why would he say that?" Adonis patted her back.

"Something about us, that we are meant to be. And that something bad will happen if we aren't to be." She cried more, his eyes widened and he moved her so he could see her face.

"In those words?" He asked, slightly frantically.

"No, but pretty damn close. Why?" She sniffled, he looked back to his hands and again up to her. He hid his hand behind him and stood up.

"Let's go. I'm starving." He practically ran out of the room, he jumped some stairs and ran up to Luca. 

"Come with me." He grabbed Luca, trying to move him but couldn't. Luca sighed and started to move with him. They went to his room.

"What?" He asked, his voice showing how he looked. Bored and yet sad.

"You told Aviana that something bad would happen if you two ended up together, right?" He still was talking fast and moved around.

"Yeah, but don't worry about it. You two will end up together." Luca turned to open the door.

"What about if we do end up together? If something bad happens to you?" Luca sighed and turned around.


"What if you get hurt or worse if we get together?" Adonis stopped walking and turned to Luca.

"No, it doesn't matter, in the end one of us will get hurt? Is this what your trying to tell me?" 

"I have no idea what I'm trying to say! Luca do you what to be with her?" Adonis yelled frustrated.

"Yes, with my whole fuckin' being!" Luca yelled back.

"So do I!" Adonis yelled. They breathed hard and stared at one another.

"So, you both love me?" They turned to the door, Aviana was looking at the both of them. 

"Games are for children, act like men." She closed the door. They looked back to each other. Then ran out the room only to see her gone. 

Games of emotion are for children, Aviana feels hurt by the way that they don't think of her. They are trying to save one another but in return are hurting Aviana. 

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