One Night

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The next few days the house started to fill with laughter again. And things started to get back to their version of normal. That was until the mail came.

"Mail! Luca! Luca! Luca! Mr. Rillin! Adonis!" Aviana yelled, she set a letter for herself down. Luca came running, Adonis walked and Mr. Rillin, well walked with slight speed.

"I got a letter?" Adonis asked surprised, Aviana nodded and handed the letter over to him.

"Thanks," he sat down, Luca started to open his second letter.

"Why? Why! Why! It's not my house! James!" Luca turned to Mr. Rillin angry, he chuckled and ran away.

"Oh," Adonis saw who the letter was from. They all turned to him.

"Why?" Luca stopped chasing James and sat by him, he looked down to Adonis's hands.

"Oh." He also muttered out. The other two curious now also looked at the letter.

"Mr. Moore." Aviana whispered.

"My dear son," Adonis read out loud, his voice turned into a whimper at the end of those words but he continued.

"Things have been very quiet without you here. I've been hearing some weird sounds a night. But other than that, I'm happy and healthy! I can't wait to see you again, enjoy your time there! I love you, forever and always." He whispered the last sentence, he was crying. Luca rubbed his back, Aviana held his hand.

"You know, as much as I hate to admit, I relied on him. I think he was so tired of holding onto me like a child but never-" Adonis was cut off by Luca smacking the back of his head. Adonis turned to him surprised.

"Don't. Don't ever speak of him that ill again. He was a good man, and loved you. He didn't mind taking care of you because to him it was part of being a loving parent. His was happy to love you and care for you." Luca stood up, he turned to Aviana.

"You take care of him today, I have something to do." He glanced at Adonis for a second, and in that second, Adonis felt scared. Luca left, after the only sound heard was of Mr. Rillin sighing.

"It's time for you both to know the truth." They turned to him.

"Luca, lost his parents not long after moving here. He moved in with me and has been here the rest of the time. He never got a letter or a goodbye. He never knew how much his parents loved him and he blames himself for forgetting them. He blames himself for their deaths, I have no idea why. But whatever the reason, he grew up fast. He doesn't do much but work. You two changed that for him, but now he's going to try and close you off.  Be prepared." James stood up and walked to his room.  Aviana, gasped.

"I always tried to get him to take me to his parents. I never knew." She started to cry, for many reasons. But the main one being she hurt her best friend and her best friend felt that he couldn't share this with her.

"It's not your fault," Adonis hugged her.

All these past days have been of pain and tears. But more pain and tears are coming.

Luca was sitting in a bar when a girl came up to him. He wanted to say no, but he wanted to see how it would feel, after all these years.

That night he came back with a girl, drink and hurt. Aviana heard them during the night and stayed up in the living room. Adonis joined her mid-way.

"How do you feel?" He asked, she turned to him.

"I don't know how I feel. I feel sad? Mad? Hurt? But happy?" She turned to him, he nodded.

"That's love, full of pain. You hate him for not being with you but at the same time you're happy he's moved on." Adonis staring at the wall in front of them, Aviana watched him. He then turned to her.

"I know, I once loved a boy. He was stupid though, and let me go. Luca isn't like him, he's always let me know how much he wanted me. And that he was going to get me to fall in love with him." She chuckled.

"So your worried that he's given up?" Aviana shook her head.

"I know he's given up. Once he met you he gave me up, for you, for me." She laid her head on his shoulder. He chuckled and put an arm around her.

"So we both gave you up for no reason? Well that's too bad." He chuckled, she did the same.

"Yeah, it is." She started to fall asleep. He laid her down and went upstairs to his room.

The next morning the girl left but not before leaving her number. Luca woke up after and walked to the kitchen, he only had boxers on. Aviana woke up and also went to the kitchen, she was surprised to see him. She stopped, but he hadn't seen her yet.

"Little birdy, sing me a song. I may learn to cause my love to fall. Birdy, birdy, little birdy." He sang, his voice was deep but he sang high. It didn't sound bad though, Aviana thought.

"Aviana, are you hungry?" He asked and turned around, no shame. She stared at his chest.

"Aviana?" He asked again, she snapped out of it and nodded.

"Yeah, that would be nice. You know, you brought a girl home last night?" She sat at the counter, he hummed.

"Does that mean you've given up?" She asked trying to see his face while he was cooking away from her.

"Given up?" He turned to her for a moment.

"Yeah. Are you no longer going to make me fall for you?" She asked with a fake chuckle.

"I've tried everything. I'm not going to make something happen that shouldn't." He flipped the pancake, it folded in half. He swore and tried to pick it up with his fingers, only to burn himself. Aviana laughed and walked over to help him. After she turned to him, he was only inches from her and mostly naked. She blinked her eyes, he laughed.

"You can move now." He said taking a step back, she took one to him.

"What are you doing?" He asked slightly taken aback.


Good question, what am I doing!?


"Something." She took another step towards him. He didn't move.

"When you came home with her, it broke my heart. When you smile at me, I smile. When I see you with Adonis I get jealous even though I know you don't mean to hurt me. " She poked him with her finger. He looked down and sighed, he bent down and kissed her.

"Did that do anything?" He sighed once more, expecting her to say no and smack him.

"No." She smacked him.

"So, are you jealous that Adonis and I are getting closer without you? And that I no longer tell you things?" He tilted his head. She shrugged.

"No? Yes? I don't know, I like you." Her words slipped out, he sighed again.

"I don't want to be that jerk but you can find someone better. Like someone who's name starts with an A." He turned back to the food, she stared at his back. He just rejected her, he had been trying to win her over for the longest time and Adonis comes along and ruins it.

She sighed angrily and ran to Adonis's room.

"Adonis!" She yelled and stormed up the stairs.

I felt like a light hearted chapter was needed. So I put one in, but I haven't forgotten the real reason this story exists. No worries, everything will go back to its normal self.

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