Welcome To Hell

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"Hell?" Lilith mumbled to herself and walked out. Adonis met with her outside of the building and walked with her to the car.

"So?" She looked him in his eyes.

"I think we should look into Hell." She opened the door and got in. Adonis looked at her like she was stupid.

"She was just saying that. I don't think that it'll lead us anywhere." He started the car. She put her hand on his. He turned to her.

"You told me to trust you, now I need the same. Trust me. Adonis, I think if we follow her clue then we'll find him." She pulled her hand back, but Adonis held it before she could put in on her lap.

"I'm sorry. I'll listen to you for now on. Lead the way, boss." He winked, she laughed and hit his arm.

"Home for now. After we'll pick up Luca and then go to Hell. I guess." Adonis nodded and started to drive.

When they got home Lilith started to search for any places by the name of Hell. After a few she found one.

"Hey, Adonis. I got one."  He walked over to her.

"An abandoned amusement park? With a ride called Welcome To Hell?" He looked at her, she nodded.

"Look who owns it." She pointed to the screen, he looked and saw Luca's name.

"Luca?" Lilith nodded.

"I wonder if she used his credit card or something?" Lilith nodded.

"That would be my guess. Luca would never do anything to hurt James." She stood up.

"Let's go get him." 

They went to the hospital where Luca was staying for the meantime.

"Luca. I have a few questions for you." Lilith walked into his room. He looked up, his eyebrow raised.

"Yes? What can I do for you?" He smiled to her.

"Did you buy a place? Like an amusement park?" She sat on a chair that was next to the bed. 

"No. Not that I can remember. What is this about?" He set his book down, and took off his reading glasses.

"Have you ever let Aviana use your card?" He nodded.

"Yes. She wanted to start a business, I was going to help her. She only bought a few things though. What is this about, Lilith?"  Lilith sighed and looked down.

"Luca, do you know why your in here?" 

"No. I don't but I would love to know." 

"Aviana did this to you. She's in jail at the current moment." Lilith looked back up.

"What?" Luca was in disbelief.

"She's been using you, Luca." Luca looked down.

"No. She wouldn't do that. I've known her a lot longer than you. I trust her." 

"You f*cking idiot. You think I'm telling you this because I hate you? Because I don't care? No. Luca, I told you that because I care. Get your f*cking act together." Lilith stood up.

"I'm going to find your father. You can come if you want." She stormed out, Luca watched her leave. He sat there not knowing what to do. 

Lilith went to the car and waited Adonis turned to her.

"So how'd it go?" He asked nervously. She turned to him furious.

"Horrible. That idiot. He said he trusts her and that he's known her a lot longer so I must be the one wrong!" She huffed.

"Okay, take a deep breath and try to calm down." Adonis instructed her. She glanced at him but did it anyways.

"Okay, great. Now did he say that he was coming along?" She shook her head.

"No, we should go. We've waited long enough." Adonis nodded and started the car. Luca came running out of the hospital but they didn't see him.  They were about to pull out when he ran behind the car. Adonis slammed his foot on the brakes. Lilith's head hit the dashboard, causing her to bleed. Adonis hit his on the wheel. His didn't bleed but it still hurt. Adonis turned to Lilith.

"Are you okay?" He asked panicked. She groaned before passing out. He held her head up and tried to wake her up.

"Damn, it's a good things we're at the hospital." He got out of the car and picked up Lilith. He glared at Luca as he took Lilith to the emergency room.

"She's fine. Just a minor concussion. She'll be fine." The doctor said. Adonis sighed and thanked her.

"We've been here far too many times." He sighed and turned to Lilith. She was awake now and was getting up.

"Ready to go?" She nodded and he helped her up.

"We've got to hurry. Who knows if he could be fighting for his last moments." They got to the car. 

"I'm truly really sorry. Lilith, both for the accident and not trusting you. I've known you through your worst and best. I'm sorry." She looked to Adonis. He looked back.

"Whatever, we have to get James." Adonis said and started the car. Luca tried to talk to Lilith but she wouldn't reply.

"Shut up, Luca. She doesn't want to talk. Don't push it." He stopped the car.

"Are we here?" Lilith asked. Adonis nodded and got out. He walked over to her side of the door.

"Lilith you stay here. It's not safe. I heard that this place was shut down for a reason."Lilith nodded not wanting to fight with him. Luca hopped out.

"We'll be back." Lilith ignored him, he sighed.

"Lets go. I'll see you soon, babe." He kissed her.

"You better bring him back. And you better come back." She laid back.

"I will." He smiled. Luca already walked ahead. He used his phone as a flashlight and made his way into the building. After an hour of searching they didn't find anything.

"What should we do? He's not here?"  Luca turned to Adonis.

"Let's split up. You go that way I'll go this way." Luca nodded. Adonis went to the right and Luca went to the left.

Adonis made sure to look anywhere he thought James could be. When he stumbled onto a door. Literally stumbled. After opening it he found another room. He opened it and found James. James looked up, thinking that it was Aviana.

"James?" Adonis rushed to him.

"Hey kid." James coughed out before fainting. Adonis checked his pulse. Nothing, James Rillin was dead.

"No, no, no. No!" Adonis screamed. Luca came running into the room.

 Luca saw James and ran to him. He laid him down and started CPR. 

"Please. Please, please, old man don't give up now." Luca was crying but continued. Adonis sat there watching, trying to see him move or breath.


Welcome To Hell.

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